Smoking to be banned in pub gardens & in kids’ parks leaked gov plans reveal

Smoking to be banned in pub gardens & in kids’ parks leaked gov plans reveal

by 457655676

  1. keir is really speedrunning New Labour. he’s already defaulting to banning and curtailing things when he can’t think of anything else to do.

  2. Surprised it wasn’t banned in kids parks. Pub gardens could just ban kids instead?

  3. Recently moved to a new city. Spent a couple of weeks in their big tourist area in an airbnb waiting to move into my new place out in the sticks. All the pubs, as in the inside of the buildings, were empty but the ‘pub gardens’ as in yards and paved bits around the pubs were packed – and weather not an issue – as in loads of umbrellas and generally set up for people to be outside. People love drinking and smoking. It’s great they have a place to do that. But no more it seems. That’s a few more old historic pubs being converted into estate agents or charity shops as more people stay at home to smoke and drink to protect the children….

  4. And vaping should be subject to same rules. I can’t stand watching people commit slow suicide thinking they’re cool

    Extra af

  5. Good. Smoking in a pub garden pisses me off. And if you smoke in a kids playground you really need to have a look at yourself.

  6. Just seems such a stupid thing to put any time into given the amount of issues going elsewhere.

    They banned smoking in bus stops back in 2020 and I’ve yet to see it be enforced or stop people doing it.

    I think it’s pretty safe to assume people stupid or self hating enough to smoke sticks of cancer aren’t going to give a shit about other people, unless you start enforcing and issuing fines this will do zero.

  7. Surprised it’s not banned in kids parks already.

    The rest is nanny state awfulness. My regret at voting for Labour grows daily.

  8. Fab! I was hoping for within 25 feet of any commercial entrance and in any public place (e.g. parks)

  9. Happy days. Good to hear. Lifes been good since Labour took over. Thank God we dont have the Tories anymore.

  10. Well, that will be the death of many more pubs.

    I’m a smoker and didn’t have an issue with banning smoking inside, but at this point I think it should be a decision for those running the business. If you think you’ll get more custom banning smoking outside, then do so.

    No one is forced to go to any particular pub and if a totally smoke free pub is what people want then you will make money if you go that way.

    Hospitals, kids playgrounds etc, sure ban it through legislation.

  11. We can’t build anything anymore but our industry of banning things has never been hotter

  12. Kid’s parks is good. Not blowing gaseous cancer in kid’s faces is always a good thing to encourage, I feel.

    Pub gardens, though? That’s going a bit far. I get it, not everybody wants to be around cigarette smoke when they’re trying to have a good time… but then, leave it up to the pub.

  13. Thought kids playgrounds was banned but people don’t give a toss, pub beer gardens though they can wait for the riots!!!

  14. I don’t smoke, and I don’t like to be around people if they are smoking.

    But surely there is a point to letting people make their own choices in life.

    Why can’t pubs just decide if they are going to cater to smokers outside or not?

  15. Kids parks makes sense

    But pubs makes no sense. Let people enjoy a ciggy with their beer.

    I get that people don’t like it but that’s hardly a solution. I don’t like breathing in fumes when I am out and about, doesn’t mean that vehicles with ICE should be banned. Life is full of unpleasant things (but a lot less that previous generations)

  16. Kids parks…I spend a fair bit of time in them (I have a young daughter and don’t carry sweets or have any puppies to see), I very rarely see smoking.

    Pub gardens?

    Does anyone really want to stop that? Is that a problem? It might annoy me but not enough to ban it.

  17. Fine with a ban around the kids parks yeah, but pubs doesn’t really make any sense. It’s a place for adults to go and do adult things, like drinking and smoking. We’ve already pushed the smokers outside, lets not banish them into the wilderness like that episode of the IT crowd. Dictating what pubs can and cannot do is not a good look.

  18. Really stupid seeing how many people smoke in pub gardens including quite a lot of the staff who actually run pubs. I’m all for banning it inside but this feels a bit too nanny state

  19. Good hate not being able to sit outside cos some leathery Karen has decided to cloud the garden in smog

  20. Hopefully they’ll ban vapes too. They smell horrible and I really don’t want to be breathing in that second hand muck

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