Australia got that 2weu4u spirit

Australia got that 2weu4u spirit

by DriftKingzz78

  1. If they can compete at the Eurovision, I’d say we should at least *consider* making them honorary Europeans.

  2. You have more of us than the Americans do. Take your Samhain and shut up cunt.

  3. Wait, Halloween is not a traditional thing in emuland? Aren’t they basically prison Barrys saying the word „cunt” a lot?

  4. In franconia we made our own version of halloween where my neighbours have us drei im Weggla (three sausages in one bread) instead of sweets

  5. Is cunt as offensive in Europe as it is in America? Americans think it’s the worst word any human can possibly say, but I’m not sure about Brit’s / English speaking euros

  6. I mean Halloween is a catholic thing (I will fight you it’s on the calander before all saints day) so unless your catholic it doesn’t mean much.

  7. Tbf, we didn’t really have trick or treating in mind when we brought that holiday into the Christian fold.

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