CIA ‘Certain’ Putin Planning Counteroffensive In Kursk To Reclaim Territory

CIA ‘Certain’ Putin Planning Counteroffensive In Kursk To Reclaim Territory

by kuttoos_enn_vilicho

  1. >Russian President Vladimir Putin is likely to mount a counteroffensive to try to retake territory in the Kursk region captured by Ukrainian troops, Deputy CIA Director David Cohen will on August 28. “We can be certain that Putin will mount a counteroffensive to try to reclaim that territory,” Cohen said at a national-security industry conference. “Our expectation is that that will be a difficult fight for the Russians.” While Kyiv has said it has no intention of annexing the area it has captured, Ukrainian troops are building defensive lines and it appears that they intend to retain “some of that territory for some period of time,” Cohen said at the conference held in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington.

  2. This is most likely part of Zelensky’s plan. This will force Russia to move troops away from the occupied regions of Ukraine, possibly also lead to ammunition shortages on the Russian side. And the Russians are most likely bracing themselves for a Ukrainian counteroffensive in Donetsk or Luhansk.

    Stay tuned for the news.

  3. The thing is, the Ukrainians have already said they have no plans to hold the territory indefinitely. But what they CAN do is mine the fuck out of the place, strip it of any resources that aren’t nailed down, and then hold it as long as they can without taking too many casualties. The Russians have to throw themselves at this defensive line and are gonna have to go through the meat grinder for every inch. And if and when the Russians actually break through, the Ukrainians can simply fall back in good order and rest easy in the knowledge that the Russians can’t pursue them without going through a metric fuckton of mines. And so Ukraine can be confident that they can more easily hold that border going forward, allowing them to focus their defences elsewhere, in more vulnerable regions.

    As long as the no man’s land is Russian, Ukraine can shift more of the economic burden of the war onto Russia.

    >**11.** If we wish to fight, the enemy can be forced to an engagement even though he be sheltered behind a high rampart and a deep ditch. All we need do is attack some other place that he will be obliged to relieve.
    –Sun-Tzu, [*The Art of War*](

  4. Did you know that there is no such thing as “ruzzia is a nuclear state and we should be careful”

  5. This would be an amazing time for the U.S. to secretly tell Ukraine all restrictions are lifted…

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