Russian engineering convoy with PMP bridgelayers was targeted by ukrainian drones before even reaching the river Seym [Requiem SSO, Kursk, Russian, August 2024]

Russian engineering convoy with PMP bridgelayers was targeted by ukrainian drones before even reaching the river Seym [Requiem SSO, Kursk, Russian, August 2024]

by Hannibal_Game

  1. Are they using repeater drones? They should have a high altitude signal repeater near the target to help get their video feed much clearer to impact

  2. Russians really aren’t very good at crossing small rivers. Seems like every time they try, the sunken bmps are a more reliable platform than their pontoons

  3. “A man cannot step in the Seym River twice.”

    If you are russian, you can’t even step in it once!

  4. The ruzzians will run out of floating bridges before Ukraine runs out of drones with fragmentation warheads.

  5. Just asking, why wasn’t this convoy moving? It seems like they just halted.

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