Trump campaign was warned not to take photos at Arlington before altercation, defense official says

Trump campaign was warned not to take photos at Arlington before altercation, defense official says

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. Cadet bone spurs had zero respect for people who sacrifice for their country. He is totally unfit to be commander in chief.

  2. To Trump those graves represent Losers and Suckers who served in a war and died protecting our way of life. He has no respect for them and has said so many times.

  3. So they knew they weren’t supposed to go to that part of the cemetery, and they went anyway! What fucking assholes

  4. And Waddles decided those regulations did not apply to him, so he steamrolled over them without a second thought. He wanted something, and he did it, everyone else be damned. Waddles is a vile, classless slob, and a nasty obese bully, who ignores anything he perceives as being in his way.

  5. Orangeholio does not need our petty approval! He is master of the world! Let us bow!

  6. And once again he thumbed his nose and said fuck you. I desecrate whoever I want.

  7. That he can be such a dick, and people still scared he might just win again is really just something else.

  8. I heard that when you’re a star they let you do it.

    Or am I confusing scandals?

  9. The family saying they gave him permission is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Sorry that’s not how it works.

  10. To honor those lost in the Afghanistan withdrawal…

    This is the guy who released 5000 Taliban/ISIS members. If you fought over there, or knew someone who died over there, the chances of one of the thousands of released being the perpetrators is quite high. How any of those families could want him there is beyond my understanding.

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