Telegram has become a key tool for the Russian military. Why does Moscow continue to rely on a Dubai-based civilian messaging app? — Meduza

Telegram has become a key tool for the Russian military. Why does Moscow continue to rely on a Dubai-based civilian messaging app? — Meduza

Posted by polymute

  1. Got to say it’s not often that you see an article ask a question and then instead of putting out half truths and insinuations actually go ahead and outright answer it!

    Telegram is secure and it works, something that the Russian military doesn’t seem willing or capable of offering an alternative to.

  2. So much noise about Telegram. Nobody cared what it was before Durov had been arrested in France, and now there are all of these articles about its security, usage, purpose for existence etc. The more the media is trying to tell me it’s insecure and irrelevant the more I am going to believe otherwise.

    Telegram is a key tool for Ukranian military as well. And the population from both sides.

    Because it’s about the only place left where one can mostly escape censorship and control by three letter agencies, it became a place where actual news from the actual sources can be shared, rather than the highly processed, twice digested and thrice regurgitated propaganda you get from the regular media channels.

    The powers that be can’t accept people being informed to the actual state of things, and that’s why they arrested Durov and put him on a leash. Now he either stays a chained subservient dog in France or flees, becoming a convicted fugitive on the run so of course his products needs to be banned now using that as a pretense.

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