Namibia plant, mehr als 700 Tiere, darunter Elefanten und Flusspferde, zu töten – und das Fleisch zu verteilen

Namibia plant, mehr als 700 Tiere, darunter Elefanten und Flusspferde, zu töten – und das Fleisch zu verteilen

  1. That doesn’t sound ideal

    Maybe some environmental organizations could get together and donate an equivalent amount of food. Fight against famine and for endangered species at the same time 

  2. Sounds like they are having a tough time over there. I wonder what elephants taste like

  3. The big problem in this neck of the wood ( Botswana, Namibia, Zambia) is that the anti poaching efforts to protect elephants are very successful compared to other African countries. Elephants are smart and they know where it safe so you end up with 200k elephants within a kinda small territory.

  4. So instead of charging international hunters mega $$$ for killing these animals so the govt gets the $$$ and the meat, now the govt will have to kill them themselves and then distribute the meat.

    Yeah thanks woke people.

  5. Fun fact: x-rays of wounds of deer shot by hunters show a snowstorm of lead fragments in the region of the bullet. Hence the move toward steel bullets.

  6. Are they issuing hunting permits at discounts? Could help fund their ecosystem restoration efforts.

  7. I’d love to be able to legally and ethically source some elephant and hippo meat. I wonder what they taste like?

  8. We stayed at two lodges in Etosha Park in Namibia. Dinner included wildebeast and springbok. Everything there was exceptionally well managed. A chef told us the wildebeast was badly behaved. Tasted better than venison!

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