always in the mood for a photo op…

always in the mood for a photo op…

Posted by parenthetical_phrase

  1. Genius, but so irritated he 👍 at Arlington National Cemetery graves for his own distorted political clout is really messed up.

  2. You know, Jesus, the late great Jesus, came back in 3 days. Many people are saying Trump, you’d be back in less than 24 hours’d have the most beautiful resurrection of all time

  3. His narcissism won’t allow Jesus to be the focus, he would try to stand completely in front of him and elevated by a pedestal.

  4. Please, please, please Photoshop experts, Arlington Trump needs to be plastered on every awful historical event in the last 500 years.

  5. This Roman soldier came up to me, big soldier, strong soldier, carrying this big beautiful spear, tears in his eyes, and he says “sir”……

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