Just how stupid can this campaign be?

Just how stupid can this campaign be?

Posted by Saturn_Ecplise

  1. Who are the people being saluted here? Are they service members or people who died immediately after Jan 6th?

  2. These stupid wide pants suits of his make his legs look like bambi on the ice in this picture

  3. He received 5 deferments, so 5 other people went in his place while his personal Vietnam was avoiding STDs in the 60s and 70s. He has no clue what service and sacrifice are.

  4. At this point I really believe there are people inside his team doing this for our wellbeing

  5. Why does he get to keep breaking the law and get away with it? Us small folk forget to sign something on our taxes or other important paperwork and it’s our asses. Insane

  6. I’ll bet he hated standing next to the lady in the wheelchair and the guy with the prosthesis.

  7. “Should have never happened” – what should have happened instead Donald? We buddy up with Hitler?

  8. Former President Trump visiting the graves of all those “suckers and losers”. What a fucking douche!

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