Trump Goes Off Deep End as He Fears Losing in November, Sends Disgusting Post That Should Be the End of His Campaign

Trump Goes Off Deep End as He Fears Losing in November, Sends Disgusting Post That Should Be the End of His Campaign

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Not as horrific as calling Chelsea Clinton the White House dog for 8 years… but combined with everything else he has succeeded in what they could not.

    ​The walls they acted like were inate and what made Democrats weak are down. They will realize those walls were kept up from a love of America and because it’s saddening for people with empathy to attack their countrymen and were created and upheld through strength not weakness…

  2. Orangeholio *is* always the beginning of his own demise. Always. His ego is such only He may dictate our shared reality.

  3. Should be. But you know, I know, and everyone on this god damned planet knows it won’t be. Because he’s done hundreds of things that should have torpedoed his political career.

  4. How many more days of this insane shit? Does the stupid half of this country eventually wake up, or is this just Groundhog Day for all of eternity?

  5. Would be the end of his political career if it was merely about politics. Trump has turned the Republican party into a cult of personality, they’re emotionally dependent on him, they couldn’t quit him if they wanted to. His followers absorb everything that comes out of his mouth-anus with a religious, borderline sexual devotion. MAGA is a cult that’d Jonestown the whole US if it would please Daddy Trump.

  6. I mean how many “deep ends” and “meltdowns” and “another law broken” and “declines” would it take?

  7. Again, this has nothing to do with free speech anymore. This is openly attacking a person and defamation. Isn’t this punishable by law? Remember what baboon says is taken literally by his magats and put these people’s lives at stake. FBI, where are you??

  8. Imagine if ANY other politician behaved in this way. What the heck is wrong with his cult followers?

  9. The dude is a weirdo and acts like an imbecile. Keep his moronic behavior visible so we can belittle it appropriately. It needs to be called out and ridiculed

  10. The funny thing is this could be an old article, any time since The President dropped out. He is literally going off the deep end every single day and losing it on Truth social every single day.

  11. Yeah but we can’t call them “deplorable” without hearing from the whiny little bitch-in-chief mafia.

  12. Very rich, given that all those blowjobs trump gave to Roy Cohn are never discussed.

  13. Oh please. Basically anything he has ever done and ever does should be the end of his “campaign” aka hatred-filled rambling nonsense speeches.

    The bar for him is so low you need a whole new name for it all.

  14. I don’t think it’s just the cult & gullible people guys. I think it’s his connections. I think he’s gotten this far in spite of his on-going insults, bad actions, and legal problems not just because not everyone got who he is clearly in 2016 and then some moved into the cult and gullible area, but also because he has connections that help him continue to get away with things and of course the enablers in the Republican party. That’s why we must vote and ensure others register and vote as well to send the clear message that we too are a united group and big force in America and that our future cannot be taken away for the greedyness of few. Vote and stay informed! 🗳️ 🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸

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