France’s leftist coalition fumes over Macron’s rejection of its candidate to become prime minister

France’s leftist coalition fumes over Macron’s rejection of its candidate to become prime minister

Posted by SunderedValley

  1. Leftists throwing a temper tantrum when they don’t get everything they want immediately; a tale as old as time.

    At least some of them recognize this isn’t a winning strategy and aren’t protesting.

  2. The NPF doesn’t have enough seats or enough people willing to defend the PM from a vote of no confidence.

    NPF needs to be able to govern so that means cut a deal with Ensemble. Get a program that works

  3. It’s so ironic that the man who built his career on being the uniting candidate against the far right is now blocking a left wing governing in this same climate.

    If a left wing president did this and he was in charge, the outrage would be immense.

  4. In 2017, he presented himself as a candidate “neither left nor right”, supposedly open to both sides of the political spectrum. The candidacy proposed by the left-wing alliance, Lucie Castets, is part of a “soft” left. It was a big compromise, but even that bothers Macron.

    As always, centrists are actually neither left nor left

  5. I don’t know enough about French politics to really understand what’s happening here, but as an outsider who’s been following the recent stuff, it feels like Macron is snatching a stalemate out of the jaws of victory.

    Like he helped build this huge coalition to fend off the far right, and now he’s shitting on that coalition and pissing off all the people who made it possible and making the left-wing look weak and the coalition look dysfunctional and probably making it much harder to fend off the far right in the next election. I don’t know. I don’t really get it.

  6. They overplayed their hand and tried to strong arm Macron. I don’t blame him for seeking alternative coalition partners, since alternatives exist other than Le Pen and her ban of dollar store baguette fascists

  7. Do people here really think that if he accepted them, the government wouldn’t have collapsed the next day? The left doesn’t hold a majority, and no other party is even close to them on policy to form a coalition.

    Macron is in the right here. Only his party can form a government with such a divided assembly, and force a coalition towards the center. He seems to be aiming to break the left apart, in the hopes that more centrist parties could join an Ensemble led government, since there is no hope in hell that NR breaks up.

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