Russia: Ukraine strikes military airfield in drone attack near Volgograd

Russia: Ukraine strikes military airfield in drone attack near Volgograd

Plumes of smoke could be seen rising from a Russian airfield near Volgograd after Ukraine carried out a night-time drone attack. Volgograd’s governor, Andrei Bocharov, said the strike took place at about 3am.
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Local people reported a series of explosions. Ukraine is waging an increasingly ambitious long-range drone campaign against critical Russian infrastructure as part of its broader military offensive in Russia’s Kursk region

Ukraine strikes airfield near Volgograd as Russia presses forward in Donetsk ►

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  1. All this incursion does is push peace talks further away.
    It galvanises both sides with hatred and resolve to continue fighting.
    There's no chance of peace talks or of it becoming a frozen conflict.
    Neither side can win… but both sides can continue losing.
    So who gains exactly… from this needless wars continuation?

  2. The Ukrainians long range “Kamikaze” drone strikes can always be verified by the Russian civilians taking mobile phone videos driving along the roads. Every time something catches on fire at a Russia military facility the Russian civilians video tapes it as they drive pass. The Russian MOD tries to downplay the military damage by saying they shot down the Ukrainian drones, but the falling debris caused the fire. The Russian government stop long time ago saying the fire was caused by a careless Russian smoker.

  3. افکار پلید در کرملین به بمب اتمی فکر میکند تا بتواند خود را از باتلاق جنگ رهایی ببخشد ، ولی پوتین باید صدای بمب را در خوابگاه خودش بشنود تا از خواب بیدار شود و جنگ را کنار بگذارد .

  4. British media still covering for the fact we have got 500,000 Ukrainians killed, there economy utterly destroyed and all there precious resource rich land now permanently Russian (after Russia has on several occasions offered concessions which would leave it in Ukrainian hands) and what have we got back for it? Massive inflation, tanking economies and Russia is now arguably the most powerful and experienced military on earth. We are run by complete fools.

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