[OC] Requests by musical artists to not use their songs at Donald Trump events

[OC] Requests by musical artists to not use their songs at Donald Trump events

Posted by jonovan

  1. Didn’t The National also ban him from using one of their songs?

    Edit: I stand corrected, they endorsed dems using one of their songs.

  2. For what it’s worth, at least in terms of Sinead O’Connor, Isaac Hayes, Tom Petty, and Prince, the actions were taken by their estates, not by the artists themselves, since they all died before the listed years.

  3. Congrats on whatever “karma” you get for posting something anti-trump. I hope it brings you joy to get some upvotes and fulfills your inner hate.

  4. Oh man he tried to use Prince’s music without permission? That’s not a battle you win

  5. I’d be curious to know which of these requests are on solid legal ground vs. the artist can request but doesn’t have any power because they don’t own the music. And which ones the Trump campaign licensed from the copyright holder vs. just doing it without permission.

  6. The density in using both Please, Please, Please AND You Can’t Always Get What You Want is astronomical.

  7. Since you’re supposed to get permission for public performance, I’m guessing this could also be labeled. “Musical Artists who were Used Without Permission at Trump Events, and had to tell him to cut it out.”

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