CIA: Plot sought to kill ‘huge number’ at Swift Vienna show

CIA: Plot sought to kill ‘huge number’ at Swift Vienna show

by Littleappleho

  1. What do these people want? They hate life doesn’t mean rest of the world is the same!!

  2. Haters Gotta hate, only way they will ever Get anywhere. Cause no one will buy them not beeing haters. Judgemental pricks

  3. Isn’t this kind of hyperbole? How were couple radicalized teens without any real plan supposed to kill “tens of thousands of people”? Reads like CIA is giving itself a pat on the back.

    Nevertheless, good that they prevented the tragedy.

  4. What’s up with camelfuckers and Taylor Swift? Is it because she’s a woman singing in public?

  5. I have been very nervous at sporting events and concerts for years. Now with the capability of drones I’m completely out. It’s only a matter of time someone pulls one of these atrocities off.

  6. Taliban recently have made it illegal for women to speak or sing in public. And the oppression of women by radical islamists is nothing new. They hate all of West and they want to control the world. I am not racist or hate filled. I am speaking about the zealots who are terrorists.

  7. These losers had about the same chance of killing tens of thousands as I have of getting a unicorn.

  8. Why it’s always the same type of grown-ass men from this particular region in the world attacking little girls living their best life? Maybe Western Europe should do better, for real.

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