Trump remembers that sad day on 9-11

Trump remembers that sad day on 9-11

Posted by ChewyRib

  1. But you have to feel bad for those people who had to evacuate to New Jersey.

  2. He was happy that he suddenly had the tallest building in New York. Which wasn’t even true

  3. In reality, he failed to even manage this level of “empathy” – he was too busy claiming that his building was now the tallest in the city (falsely – but I assume most people would have guessed that already)…

  4. But but but Trump was invited to be there! /s

    I’m gonna invite Trump to run a marathon! He will survive that…..right?

  5. When he was done bragging about having the tallest building in NY, which was bullshit, he then went on to later lie and say he was at Ground Zero helping. Dude never set a foot near the towers after the collapse, and we all know he didn’t help anyone.

  6. Richard Alles, a New York City Fire Department battalion chief on Sept. 11, 2001, [told PolitiFact in 2019]( he had no knowledge of Trump or his employees being at the site.

    “I was in a supervisory role with the fire department at the time,” said Alles, who added that he was on the scene about 20 minutes after the second tower collapsed. “I was there for several months — I have no knowledge of (Trump) being down there.”

  7. He was pretty happy about it, actually. He falsely believed Trump Tower was the tallest tower in NYC afterwards and he gloated while people were still bleeding to death and the site was still smoking.

  8. Trump must be one of these lizard people the crazies talk about. Doesn’t know how to act human and show empathy for others.

    The me me me president. Trump doesn’t care about us.

  9. I’m sure he will pretend to care, but we will see right though it and show the proof that he’s lying.

  10. You forgot to do the little bubble quoting him bragging about how now he has the 2nd tallest building in NY

  11. This is similar to that meme where the footballer who did not contribute to the goal celebrates as if it was him who did it.

  12. He actually called into a radio show to brag that his Trump tower was now the tallest building in Manhattan (which wasn’t even true)

  13. The sad part is, I can totally see the Sociopath doing this. As other commenters wrote, he even bragged about the height of his building.

  14. He wasted no time immediately after the second tower came collapsed to say he now has the tallest building in NY (surprise.. it was a lie). 100% piece of shit to the core.

  15. Trust me! My Presidency was a way bigger hit than that American Airlines jet. That I can tell you.

  16. Time to start a whole series of these with his idiot thumbs; hurricanes, Judge Cannon, the SCOTUS, school shootings, J6, etc etc etc

  17. He basically did do that saying that he now has the tallest building in NYC afterwards.

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