Trump’s Arlington scandal gets worse and worse—and worse

Trump’s Arlington scandal gets worse and worse—and worse

Posted by FreedomsPower

  1. Not enough people care about that traitorous grifting pedophile rapist’s latest insult to America.

    Security should have kicked them out.

  2. Trump’s responsible for their deaths. He cut the deal with Taliban forcing a rushed exit after he left office. Like lighting a fuse, then running away.

    Arlington security should have walked him out.

  3. As it should. What he did was reprehensible and disgusting. I’ve got way too many family and friends who are combat vets and some will be buried at Arlington when they pass away. The dead who lie in that sacred ground, giving their bodies up to the ultimate sacrifice for this country, should never be disrespected like this!

  4. What next? “Army confirms fecal matter smeared on grave stones indeed belong to Donald Trump as confirmed by video of the actual incident.”

  5. He should be hauled in shackles before a military tribunal to explain his actions… this shit stain is awful

  6. Just face it, he is a disgusting, despicable excuse for a human being! Vote blue as if your life depends on it, because it does!

  7. He should be hauled in shackles before a military tribunal to explain his actions… this shit stain is awful

  8. Christ. A male staffer assaulting a woman who was just trying to follow the law and prevent grave desecration.

    I know nothing will convince cultists not to vote for this guy, but dang this is gross.

  9. “Furious” veterans? It took this for veterans to become furious? He has a lifetime track record of abusing, making fun of, and downplaying their service. If a single veteran votes for this clown they are enabling him, do better.

  10. Steven Cheung has been a shockingly aggressive troll throughout this campaign. I can only hope his ugly life flashes before his eyes for a very long and painful death.

  11. When I was watching the DNC on CSPAN people were calling in(I had no idea they still did that) anyway, a retired veteran called in and said in his 40 years of voting this was the very first time he was voting Dem all the way down the ticket. He had lots of points but the one that stuck especially now when I see anyone who was/is in the military supporting him. You cannot join the military with a felony, let alone 36. So how is it possible to vote for him to be Commander-in-chief?

  12. So the news media recording the televising the event is illegal too! Lock up the Media.

  13. First of all Daily Kos is not what one would consider a true news organization and second everyone skirts around libel laws these days on a hourly basis! Your question is wilful ignorance!

  14. Why don’t any of you ask why Biden nor Harris was with the families? Acknowledged Aphganistan or the families. Your focus is on the wrong thing. What Trump did doesn’t say near as much as what the correct administration DIDN’T DO.

  15. He could have grab one of those girls by the pussy while dancing on a grave and the weirdos would be cosplaying that at the next rally. It doesn’t matter because the guys who want him in office not only want him in office but have ordered the meal, eaten, ordered dessert, and now just waiting on the credit card roulette

  16. As if Trump and the idiots who will work with him care about anyone else. Especially vets and women

  17. …and nothing will come of it because the next Trump scandal will occur tomorrow to distract us.

  18. All veterans swore an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    I think the commander in chief needs to do something here.

    Dead veterans can’t defend themselves.

  19. Fucking guy thinks he’s cutting the line at some hot New York restaurant or dance club. Trump is a Big Piece of Shit

  20. He does and says nutjob things every day. The media cannot keep up with all his fiascos

  21. Hopefully the world will find out which which one of his knuckle dragging inbred fuckwit cohorts it is and they will be charged and convicted…… and trolled the life out of

  22. You see how now everyone on Trump’s staff is a piece of shit just like him. If he gets elected everyone in his administration will be a piece of shit.


    What a disgrace. American deserves better than what a Trump can provide. Disgusting thug.

  24. Why the fuck is *this* what anyone cares about?

    And not the hundred other fucking *felonies* the man has committed?

    Jesus Christ, I feel like I’m in bizarro world.

  25. If I were you fat orange dude, I would fire all of your advisors because they only worth a piece of shit.
    See you are deep shit again of course you will find your ways to deny everything.

  26. I knew the staffer they shoved was a woman as soon as they started accusing that person of having a mental health crisis.

  27. He doesn’t care, the average current active duty military member would vote for Trump if he personally was shoving any wounded vet into a woodchipper as long as he kept promising to create auschwitz but for mexicans

  28. Who goes to a cemetery smiling and giving a thumbs up? And then one remembers his comments regarding awards for those who died serving and he goes and pulls this stunt.

  29. I hope this is considered when Trump faces sentencing on September 18th. Committing another felony while out on bail should land him a nice prison sentence. It would any other criminal with 34 felonies. 

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