Germany’s far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections

Germany’s far right predicted to make biggest gains since Nazi era in key state elections

Posted by Randomlynumbered

  1. Germany is a country having 60 millions of people and they accepted 1 million immigrants.

    It is hard to “digest” that amount of people bearing different culture and fundamental values.

    Germany faced a New Year rape “event” when immigrants raped German women and there wasn’t enough police to respond.

    Germany (and Belgium) are the “sucker” countries — countries that pay most for immigrants who don’t even try to integrate and work.

    So are you surprised that German people are predicted to vote for politicians who are going to rectify this issue?

  2. “What a surprise!” Said absolutely no one. Who would’ve ever thought that “refugees” that passed through countless safe countries weren’t actually refugees but actually economic migrants that came to suck the country dry. How could the native population ever possibly feel as if they were supporting the lifestyles of useless individuals? I’m sure that everyone must’ve agreed for their country to transform into a charity right? Germans must be delighted at the thought of cultural enrichment through rape and theft. How lucky they are to live in such vibrant communities.

  3. I mean when the very people you claim to be helping are going stabby stabby and killing you at a festival celebrating diversity should we really be surprised?

  4. I recently visited Berlin and Frankfurt and I was shocked at the amount *zombies* walking the streets. People with repeated needle marks on their arms, homeless people sleeping on the access tunnels to the train stations, very rough looking people next to major train stations.

    It had been a few years since I visited a German city but I don’t remember being this bad.

  5. Didn’t the Nazis come to power under the guise of calling themselves socialists? I realize it’s an unpopular fact but many Germans at the time thought they were morally superior and on the right side of history. The Jewish community were considered the rightwing capitalists of their time and dehumanized by their media as such. Remind you of anything?…

  6. I mean this truly seems like the most unbiased title there is. Surely they aren’t trying to compare the “far” right to the Nazi party. They wouldn’t do that.

  7. Gotta love how everyone is like “i mean immigrants, so what do you expect”. People who voted for hitler also said “i mean jews, what do you expect” and mind you, jews weren’t even really a problem, but anyway, he then proceeded to also attack queer people, people of color, etc.

    If you want to vote them just because of immigrants, think that you are probably throwing other groups under the bus.

    And if you want to vote them in general, don’t use immigration as an excuse, just accept and admit you are far right

  8. If the Germans wanted to they could cordon off Saxony, Thuringia, and the southern half of Saxony-Anhalt and deport all the racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, violent, trashy, sectarian, animal abusers, child abusers, anti-education, anti-science, anti-environment folks there.

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