Russian soldier gets finished by ukrainian drone operator

Russian soldier gets finished by ukrainian drone operator

by AgreeableFreedom6203

  1. Translation of the chorus when the drone hits: „the creature has to die“
    Meaningful music choice

  2. Imagine just watching the instrument of your destruction buzz around you. Arty, bullets, even grenades don’t usually seem them coming. But a suicide drone? It can hunt you. That must be an awful feeling in your last moments.

  3. This is truly hell stuck in a bog with a fire burning and a drone above.

    Reconsider your holiday destination next time.

  4. This guy is terrified. The horror. being unarmed, alone, and hearing fpv buzzing around. Hell on earth.

    I almost feel sorry for the guy and his family. but then remember these guys are volunteers.

  5. It sucks when your are just warming yourself beside the fire, and a drone shows up and rearranges your internal organs.

  6. The full video of this is carnage. Starts with a boat full of soldiers getting blasted out of the water. Trying to find a link to share, it’s on Magyar’s YT / Telegram


    Only the first few mins on YT though, has a link to his Telegram channel. Video was posted 22 May this year

  7. Im starting to think that these confirm drone kills may be hurting ukraine indirectly. I think they should seriously wound the Russians hoping that they may get taken to the back line and put medical costs onto the shoulders of Russia. You autists, will point out that many will never reach medical attention, obviously true, but a small percentage will and the many that dont will drain the moral of the Russians. I think ukraine efficiency is not ideal. I am sure this may be against “international standards” but honestly I think we could let this slide for Ukraine. After all they should get medical attention from their GREAT COUNTRY RUSSIA!. lol

  8. He better crawl a little further up the bank, because sunflowers won’t grow in the water. (I don’t think. I’m not a sunflower engineer.)

  9. Look at that piece of shit twitching around in a ditch as the life leaves its carcass. Big shoutout to drone operators for allowing us to witness the last pathetic moments of these animals.

    Only good orc is a dead orc.

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