Ukraine’s invasion of Russia would be going even better if the West ended its weapons restrictions, war experts say

Ukraine’s invasion of Russia would be going even better if the West ended its weapons restrictions, war experts say

by Noidea_whats_goingon

  1. It’s back and forth, back and forth in different publications and authors on whether the Kurst operation is really going well or not, was a mistake or not, will be useful or not, will help force Putin to negotiate or pull troops or not.  

    It’s the same for long range weapons.  I read an article le in Foreign Affairs that suggests it wouldn’t make much difference.  This says it would.  

    Bottom line for me:  almost no one knows anything for sure,  even professional and academic students of war.  

  2. >Ukraine’s invasion of Russia would be going even better if

    (…) Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China and Japan – opened new fronts at the same time.

  3. why is Ukraine opening a new front when they already don’t have enough resources to defend the current one?

    its like they’re dividing and conquering themselves

  4. And if the public didn’t have shitty taste, classical music would sell better. We can bitch all day, but it doesn’t change the reality on the ground. The weapons restrictions are unlikely to change. At the end of the day: Russia has nukes. Lots of nukes. The western governments are only willing to go so far.

  5. Why doesn’t the west just take a page form Russia and blame russia for escalating things… the only justification I ever see from western allies is that they don’t want escalation, they say that because russia has basically ran the narrative and got out in front first to blame the USA for any gains in Ukraine. Turn it around on them. Blame russia for any escalation. It is their fault in reality. They started this.

  6. I disagree. The Kursk invasion is probably going better than predicted, and it is already accomplishing everything it could accomplish: uptick in morale, demonstration to Russians that Russia is at war and vulnerable, among other things.

    The one thing it is NOT doing is cause Putin to move his goalposts. This clearly wouldn’t change even if the salient was twice as big.

    IF eliminating the restrictions was going to make Putin change his position – and that’s a big If – then that isn’t necessarily connected to the Kursk invasion at all.

    What’s going to make a difference in this war is when Ukraine can dent Putin’s ABILITY to take and hold Ukrainian territory. He’s not going to lose his willingness.

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