Johnson pulled strings to get Trump into Arlington — and now the scandal is spreading

Johnson pulled strings to get Trump into Arlington — and now the scandal is spreading

Posted by SlightChocolate721

  1. So the Speaker of the House was the one that ‘authorized’ breaking the law for this photo op? Each MAGAt politician thinks sucking Trump is their life’s work.

  2. Maga are disgusting, they can’t get enough of shitting on America, her cities, and her military people

  3. I was angry when I found out that Donald Trump doesn’t have to follow the same laws that the rest of the country does. I am now livid because I’m starting to understand that the Nazi Republicans don’t think they have to follow any laws.

  4. MAGA Mike is not getting into heaven. He is an embarrassing wanna be Christian. Being a Christian Extremist is not the way to go. God hates grifters

  5. Who really believes that any of these Maga cult members will be held accountable for their Law breaking behavior 🤔 .They haven’t before!

  6. It’s only a scandal for the left, and they’re already dead set on who they’re voting for so all this does is what was already happening anyway.

    Nobody else cares. Nobody.

  7. Oh man, I am on the edge of my seat for this. I literally cannot wait for absolutely nothing to happen again.

  8. Trump‘s power is derived by acting like a tantrum throwing three-year-old. He needs the belt! He is the way he is, because he realizes he is rewarded for his bad behavior. He has always been surrounded by enablers.

  9. With Trump, there’s ALWAYS more to the story…

    Pathetic and disgusting. More so because, as usual, others assisted him.

  10. If Nancy Pelosi had done this for Biden 4 years ago, she would have been rode out of town on a rail.

  11. Lmao anyone who helps Trump out gets fucked over. How do these fucking people not understand that?

  12. Don’t worry. All of the people involved with Trump, that break laws, will get pardoned when Trump is elected😞

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