So is Hans the only thing keeping their economy afloat?

So is Hans the only thing keeping their economy afloat?

by swamperogre2

  1. Hey, someone has to pay for all ze nice Korean ~~copys of german panzer~~ Tanks Poland is buying. It’s only fair.

  2. If only we would industrialise the south we would probably be toe to toe with Germany without the Scandis breathing close to our necks.

  3. I don’t blame Poland, they’ve been growing their economy fast as fuck, so good job to the Poles! Soon you’ll be paying my retirement 🥰 (I’ll probably move to Portugal then)

  4. Why are we – a very tiny country (that won many Olympic medals btw) – always in the top 3 contributors?

  5. Can someone explain Luxembourg? They have a tiny population, highest GDP per capita in the world and are still receiving copious amounts of money? What is this shit?

    How to become a micronation in 1 step: Be a tax haven.

    These countries shouldn’t exist. Same goes for Monaco.

  6. our economy and our tourists, yes. Nowadays they’re even making more effort speaking their lost mother tongue again.

  7. If I see this chart combined with redditors expertise on economics one more time I’ll get an aneurysm.

  8. Poland is like a sneaky cat messing the house up while the dog gets all the blame (yes we are dogs).

  9. Wtf is Poland doing with all my money? They already took my bike and my car, what more do they want?

  10. This must be fake, because no. Everything is either a shit- or a clownshow.

    Or economy is shit, but we love some European cock balls deep in our arse. Who cares about security or schools? Those EU parliament leeches need to be paid hansomly!

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