Poor Ballymoney

Poor Ballymoney folk have to now look at this in town now.

Wonder if sell smokey bacon crisps in here?

by Plane-Insect1044

  1. “Nothing that is morally wrong can be politically right”

    Except racism, eh Jim? Then it’s okay to be racist if you have “legitimate concerns”.

    And murder. Setting up terror groups with the express intention of committing mass murder. But that’s okay if the victims are Catholics.

  2. Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.

    How’s that sit in your worldview, Jim? You sentient polyp.

  3. Cheeky half day for Jimbo on a Friday too, he knows what side his bread is buttered.

  4. That building used to be The Music Box. Any fond memories of my granny buying me 45rpm singles back in the day have been offically spoiled.

  5. Who voted for this cunt?

    No seriously, I’m baffled he gets even 50 votes. I’ll Give some room for hateful lunatics but to get voted in… I’ll stay well clear of that area up there. Must be a hate filled shithole. Sorry for any nice people from there. Must be rough the majority of voters are so despicable.

  6. Is that not the fleg from pre-1801, when Ireland was not yet part of the UK? I mean the one on the window.

  7. Have you ever noticed that in every photo he looks like he’s went to a wife swapping party, and his wife decided not to come back?

  8. Tell me you’re a narcissistic prick, without telling me you’re a narcissistic prick.

  9. I love you Jamesy baby & your cohort Wee Jeremy, the both of you are fast tracking our Emerald Isle into a united one . You are a dying breed , & living like it was centuries ago, the whole country has moved on, & your bigotry & hate is not fashionable these days . Keep doing what you’re doing . You’re a true IRISH patriot.

  10. Is this one of those optical illusions where Grimbos eyes follow you around, especially if you’re a taig

  11. He was elected by a resounding majority. Unseating the Paisley dynasty. Nothing “poor” about it. He seems genuinely principled and will stand up for his constituents, rare to see in an MP.

    The previous squatter went on holidays paid for by you.

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