Trump Threatens to Jail Mark Zuckerberg for Life

Trump Threatens to Jail Mark Zuckerberg for Life

  1. Funny how Zuckerberg was bitching about Biden putting pressure on him for Covid misinformation on Facebook a few days ago, then this happens.

  2. Not that the thought of Zuck fending for himself in a prison yard isn’t kind of hilarious, but a former President, current Republican candidate for Presidential office talking this way is incredibly chilling. Is Trump experiencing an age related mental health episode?

    Vote Kamala Harris if you want an adult in charge.

  3. ***From Rolling Stone’s Nikki McCann Ramirez:***

    *In an upcoming book, the former president continues to spread election conspiracies about the Meta CEO*

    Donald Trump wrote a book, and true to form it contains some deeply unbalanced textual musings.

    According to Politico, the coffee table book — titled Saving America — accuses Mark Zuckerberg of plotting to usurp the 2020 election in favor of President Joe Biden, and warns that the Meta CEO will “spend the rest of his life in prison” if he crosses Trump again.

    The book, which will be released next week, features a photo of Zuckerberg and Trump during an undated meeting in the White House. According to Politico, in the caption under the photo Trump claims that Zuckerberg “would come to the Oval Office to see me. He would bring his very nice wife to dinners, be as nice as anyone could be, while always plotting to install shameful Lock Boxes in a true PLOT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT.”

    “We are watching him closely,” Trump adds, “and if he does anything illegal this time he will spend the rest of his life in prison — as will others who cheat in the 2024 Presidential Election.”

    Read more: [](

  4. How about Elon? He seems to be using his platform to interfere with an election as well …

  5. >The book, which will be released next week, features a photo of Zuckerberg and Trump during an undated meeting in the White House. According to Politico, in the caption under the photo Trump claims that Zuckerberg “would come to the Oval Office to see me. He would bring his very nice wife to dinners, be as nice as anyone could be, while always plotting to install shameful Lock Boxes in a true PLOT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT.”

    This is a line from an actual book, written by an actual president.

  6. Threaten tech billionaires that have a huge influence over censorship of data. Great idea, Don.

  7. This is election interference. He’s telling the CEO of a social media platform that if he doesn’t get preferential treatment, he’s gonna jail him. Preferential treatment gives a candidate all kinds of cover to do all kinds of bad or even criminal behavior. It helps trump spread disinformation. It helps trump by promoting his supporters, and demoting content from supporters of his opponent.

    We really need to update this country’s laws and regulations to cover social media and tech fields as a whole. I’m so tired of lawmakers being tech dumb.

  8. There ya go, all y’all trump supporters. He’s on your side, until he isn’t, and then your freedom is subject to his whims and caprice. You cool with that?

  9. If Zuckerberg had a set of balls on him his response would be: “bring it you decrepit pile of shit, I’m wealthier and more powerful than you”

  10. The country really needs Trump to exit the national stage. His toxicity has already torn the country in half. If we let him continue, he will drag everything down his dark rabbit hole. They need to turn Mar-a-Lago into an assisted living facility, give him an office where he can pretend he is president and never let him leave.

  11. Imagine if Kamala threatened to jail Musk for life if he helped Trump. Both sides are not the same

  12. “Fake billionaire running for president threatens actual billionaire with life in prison. How this is bad for Kamala.”

  13. This headline tells me Trump is going to jail for the rest of his life and knows it.

  14. Register to vote.

    Help friends check their voter registration status.

    Make a plan to vote.

    Offer to drive a friend to vote with you.

    Sign up to work the election if you’re able to.

    Complacency is a one way ticket to a guaranteed loss.

    Always assume polls are wrong
    Never assume your party will win
    Feeling comfortable should be uncomfortable

  15. Meanwhile, my Facebook (that I rarely check anymore) is completely overrun with conservative propaganda. Their algorithm is so slanted towards Trump that I’m getting flooded with it. I’m literally a professional Democratic organizer.

  16. Presidents don’t have judicial authority (though despots do).

    What Trump is really demanding is that Zuckerberg interfere on his behalf.

    Also, he is assuming that the head of the company is the one who is liable for what that company does, and yet he is personally never liable for anything that happens in companies or branches of government that he oversees.

  17. That’s chilling shit. It’s disgusting to me that this guy has any chance whatsoever of actually winning again (or that he won in the first place really.) Looking around at my fellow Americans, it’s just shocking that people are willing to throw away American democracy for this fucking clown. Are we really going to let Donald Fucking Trump end the American experiment?

  18. If I was zuck I would start making commercials about how unhinged trump is. I would spend lots of money making sure he never wins.

  19. Wasn’t Facebook under fire for aiding right wing politics by allowing Russian troll bots to run rampant with misinformation?

  20. Totally not a dictator wannabe. Totally free speech.

    What a bunch of snivelling snowflakes the entire GOP is.

  21. “We are watching him closely,” Trump adds, “and if he does anything illegal this time he will spend the rest of his life in prison — as will others who cheat in the 2024 Presidential Election.” Said the felon ex-president. 

  22. And Zuck will continue to back Trump because techbros would literally rather gamble their own freedom and safety than risk paying taxes or having their monopolies regulated.

  23. OMG if they shut down FB, where will MAGAts going to go for their anti-Obama memes and 3 word catchphrases defending a felon, or offensive statements about LGBTQ?

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