Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin wird nächste Woche die Mongolei besuchen, teilte der Kreml am Donnerstag mit. Es handelt sich um seinen ersten Besuch in einem Land, das gesetzlich verpflichtet ist, ihn festzunehmen und an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof zu übergeben.

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin wird nächste Woche die Mongolei besuchen, teilte der Kreml am Donnerstag mit. Es handelt sich um seinen ersten Besuch in einem Land, das gesetzlich verpflichtet ist, ihn festzunehmen und an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof zu übergeben.

  1. Gotta go make some more promises he’s going to regret. Being an oil despot is getting to be a real bitch these days.

  2. A nose thumbing photo opp at best. And a quick stop at the gun shop to make some massive purchases.

  3. Putin continues on his wanking tour.
    to please the leaders of other countries (and even his own people – Chechens) so he doesn’t get utterly destroyed.

  4. They’ll be arresting a body double. No way Putin actually risks getting taken into custody.

  5. Mongolia is a relatively poor and weak country locked in between Russia and china.
    They won’t even entertain the thought.
    Some people here really deluded.

  6. This feels like a high-stakes game of chess on the global stage. Anyone else wondering how Mongolia will play this? Arresting Putin could have massive repercussions, but ignoring the ICC could also send a powerful message about the influence of global power dynamics.

  7. Be like an episode of Scooby Doo when they pull the mask off the Putin double and it’s a plumber from Tula Oblast

  8. Visit Kursk you fucking coward! Take a page from Zelensky’s book and go to the front line, visit the people fighting for you! Jesus Christ I wonder how he made so many kids with that small chump…

  9. “Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ***double*** will visit Mongolia next week, the Kremlin announced Thursday.”

    There you go. Fixed.

  10. I can’t wait for the party where the Mongolian President (?) pulls out an ancient map and shows Putin how much of Russia actually belongs to Mongolia

  11. As a Mongolian, it would make incredibly proud if they did arrest Putin but it will never happen

  12. Yo mongolia, some serious investments coming your way from uncle sam if you show some balls on this one.

  13. Question about body doubles. Let’s say he sends a body double and some hero in the Mongolian security forces decides to do the right thing and end him. Russia would have to come out and say it was a body double at that point. In that case, theoretically, couldn’t the real Putin be killed and they could just say it was a body double?

  14. He’s gonna send the double. It’ll be that funny looking fella with breast implants in his cheeks.

  15. Do it Mongolia. Take Putin and make him respect Mongolia’s ancient claim to Russia. Bring Russia back under Mongolian rule.

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