Another russian suicide attempt, this time sfw. For whatever reason he was unable to make his rifle shoot.

Another russian suicide attempt, this time sfw. For whatever reason he was unable to make his rifle shoot.

by Usual-Scarcity-4910

  1. Story has it he bought the gun from a coyote and it came in a box labeled “ACME Corporation.”

    Ah, I think we see what the problem might be…

  2. He doesn’t even appear to be that badly injured, his foot looks to be broken but no sane person would commit suicide over that.

  3. There is likely a defective round stuck in the chamber. At least that’s my first impression.

  4. Likely whatever shrapnel got him got his gun too. Bad enough watching someone reach the point of deciding to take their life, but to reach it multiple times in a row is kind of haunting

  5. Why does that guy feel the need to commit suicide just because his legs are injured? Why doesn’t he just surrender?

  6. I am sure the blast from the explosion that got him damaged the gun’s receiver chamber…

  7. Oh my wizard…I don’t want to be soldier no more. Drizzle, drazzle, druzzle, drone…

  8. #Maybe/Notable #19

    on the list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you.

    This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide.

    There are 102 recorded instances of Russian soldiers killing themselves on the battlefield, 19 maybe’s, 4 mercy kills, and 5 after action photos insinuating what happened. We went less than a day since the last confirmed instance.

    The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](

  9. Did not read manual where you were to save a grenade and put under chest plate. Doh!

  10. I feel like a looney tunes level of discussion is going on at the Kremlin, where they are trying to figure out how to get their soldiers to die fighting instead of shooting themselves the moment they take some shrapnel. “Guys, I have a solution. What if we just give them faulty rifles that way they can’t shoot themselves and are forced to stay alive on the front for a moment longer. Brilliant!”

  11. He couldn’t pull the trigger. Just hold your breath instead, that might work.

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