Ukraine will receive six more Dutch F-16s than originally planned with an eventual total of 30 instead of 24

Ukraine will receive six more Dutch F-16s than originally planned with an eventual total of 30 instead of 24

by UpgradedSiera6666

  1. That’s nice, but let’s be honest, Ukraine will need a lot more, they are going to lose a lot of these, no matter what.

  2. At this point the planes is not the problem, training the pilots is. Only 6-8 pilots are trained at the moment and we lost one today 🙁

  3. Excellent! Danish analyst Niels Puck Anderson has previously made the point that a country the size of Ukraine should probably have about 300 western fighter jets for a reasonable peace time military. Obviously the Netherlands alone can’t prove them all but I love to see the Dutch sending more. Ultimately this war was never going to be won with just 5-10 fighers.

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