Map of the richest areas of the Roman Empire in 395.

Map of the richest areas of the Roman Empire in 395.

by Great-Insurance-3143

  1. Green: low wealth areas
    Orange: areas of medium wealth
    Red: rich areas
    Purple: extremely rich areas

  2. I am still at awe at what the Romans did to get that Silver in Spain.

    edit: Gold mining

  3. Unsure if the Pars Occidentalis kept the interest rate down already, so that Gallia, Belgica and Italia could grow the national debt to 120%+ of GDP and spend it all on feminae et vinum.

    Because that’s what makes Ursula’s empire so great. You can go bankrupt, govern your country like a banana republic, and let the northerners pay the bill.

  4. This map just shows that the Swiss/Helvettii are proof that money/gold distance yourself from the rest of humanity.

  5. How is this wealth exactly calculated?

    I can imagine areas in Gaul having low wealth, but providing lots of slaves, and that crucial promises parcels of land for retired legionaries.
    This would add a lot to keep the economy running, but would not be accounted in ancient gdp figures.

  6. why did the romans advance into damp, cold britain? there’s nothing there that you wouldn’t find in gallia and germania.

  7. Caesar put such a good spin on the poor territory he conquered… It’s all about perception 

  8. Egypt looks like a drawn dick from which oxygen has been cut off and it’s turned purple

  9. I wonder how can you measure it and how big was the gap between the poorest to the wealthiest, specially compared to the countries today

  10. Be a province on the coast a relatively short trip by boat from (and thus able to trade cheaply with) one of the two capitols.

  11. Every time I see map of Roman Empire in its peak I’m in awe. It’s crazy how powerful it was in that time. Country of this size would be very powerful nowadays but how enormous it was then..

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