IDF says documents found in Gaza show Hamas was falsifying prominent polling results

IDF says documents found in Gaza show Hamas was falsifying prominent polling results

Posted by seecat46

  1. Whoever could have expected that a fringe terrorist group that uses violence and fear to oppose the actual government of its nation would falsify results in occupied regions? Truly an unprecedented thing!

  2. I’m not able to translate the documents shared in the article, so it’s difficult to tell if this is a outright lie by Hamas about their polling results, or if it is a difference in interpretation of results.

    Either way, it is extremely difficult to conduct accurate public opinion polling in an active war zone (duh) as well as during a war/conflict generally. Public opinion will be very distorted. I take all such data with a grain of salt.

  3. Yea, I have no doubt the IDF “found” real documents proving whetever.

    Did they found that where? In a school in the middle of the children they killed?

  4. So does this mean people are going to stop spouting the “All the Palestinians are terrorists and deserve to die because they all support Hamas” bullshit?

    Probably not.

  5. Surely this means that the IDF will stop defaulting to treating Palestinian civilians as if the majority of them are Hamas sympathizers, right?


  6. Corresponding Eastern headline:

    >”Hamas says the only things that comes out of the IDF are war crimes & attempts to manufacture consent for those crimes”

    Must say, they are doing very well on both counts.

    *third attempt at posting this…

  7. Ok. Wouldn’t this make their mass murder of civilians even more heinous since they didn’t support the actions of Hamas?

    Your propaganda is supposed to make you look better instead of worse.

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