Actual sex education video used in Flemish classrooms

Actual sex education video used in Flemish classrooms

by indewater

  1. I swear I didn’t read the title of the video but as soon as I clicked it I knew it was something about sex by the way she looks.

    Germans are the best in the world at putting out energy that says; “I look innocent but I will brutalise your asshole in bed”.

  2. I think it’s good actually we can learn young people to express sexuality and love in a healthy way actually

  3. “Wat vrouwen doen, is een mysterie voor ons”. Beautifully put. Hpwever, in true dutchland we respect our women and help themin any way they need

  4. Flemish is one of my most fav languages. It sounds like a native speaker of French, my other fav language, speaking German, which is my another fav language.

  5. I remember when a nurse came to class in my middle school, a private catholic middle school. It was the first time we heard about sex in the classroom.

    Nurse: We are now going to give you some condoms!

    Padre Álvaro: *wispers into nurse’s ear*

    Nurse: I mean… We are now going to teach you how to put on a condom!

    Padre Álvaro: *wispers intensely into nurse’s ear*

    Nurse: Well… It’s better to move on to the pictures of clamídia.

    Fuck you Padre Álvaro. Fuck you and your cheesy singing and guitar playing every fucking Thursday morning.

    But you were right to talk to me after I started making out with the random girl from Belgium in the Seniors spring break in Gran Canaria. Thank you for punishing me for not rejoicing with my fellow Catholics. OUT OF ALL PEOPLE I NEVER THOUGH YOU WOULD SAVE ME FROM S***** M**********.

  6. Favorite part of all of this is how little focus is on that poor chicken, you need to marinate it properly before stuffing veggies in! 🙂

  7. Thats the sex education I wouldve wanted as a 12year old boy

    well maybe not with others in the room, but its definetly something that will catch the kids attention

  8. *[Looks at leftover rotisserie chicken from dinner]*

    Hm. Not sure i’m hungry anymore.

  9. And of course, Basket Case by Green Day in a style fitting of an infomercial is playing in the background. The 90s hit different

  10. I can partly understand what he’s saying (which feels incredible)
    But it makes me believe it’s either satire or they really are that demeaning of women

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