[OC] Weight Loss and Other Claims in “Woman’s World” Magazine

[OC] Weight Loss and Other Claims in “Woman’s World” Magazine

Posted by VestOfHolding

  1. Making a comment because I can’t figure out how to add a text description to an image post.

    All data was manually gathered by going through this archive of “Women’s World” magazine covers:


    Data was gathered and initially graphed in Excel, and I used GIMP to bring it all together into a more satisfying infographic.

    EDIT: Two things I forgot to add to the “things that live rent-free in my head” section:

    1. Thanks to this research, I’ve discovered that I hate the phrase “soup off X pounds”, lol.

    Issues where losing weight is referenced as “souping off” the weight: 9 Oct 23, 30 Jan 23, 24 Oct 22, 11 Jan 21, 27 Jan 20, 14 Jan 19, 25 Jun 18, 26 Mar 18, 15 Jan 18, and 30 Oct 17

    2. The 12 Dec 2022 issue claims to have a method to “shrink fat cells by 70%”. Pretty sure that’s not how…. anything… works, lol.

  2. Huh, looking at the cover image. A part of me wonders how often a man has appeared on the front page of the magazine instead of a women and why this Josh Axe guy keeps showing up on it. Wow, these headlines is there anything actually positive that this magazine is telling women? Or is it just telling them they aren’t good enough and *need* to lose weight.

  3. *Keeps lungs 100% healthy*

    A “I had a coworker” story for you all. He listened to Alex Jones & that Infowars stuff. They sell vitamins. he had about 5 bottles of them. At one point in my tenure at the company he caught a kidney stone. Forgive me, but my thought was “….but you take all these vitamins/drops!!!!”

    I saw that and I thought of him. Us men also do and believe in dumb shit.

  4. This is interesting! Thanks!!

    Also your post is further proof you don’t need fancy programming to make a good info graphic. Just a good sense of design/layout and the right data to get your point across. Well done!

  5. OP, I will not reveal whether or not Dr. Axe is a real person. But I must share this: I Googled his name, and it immediately gave me another version of the exact same headshot that’s reused on all those magazine covers.

    If he’s a real man, he has only been photographed once. Like bigfoot.

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