King Adopts One Millionth British Rescue Chicken and Names Her Henrietta

King Adopts One Millionth British Rescue Chicken and Names Her Henrietta

King Charles has adopted the British Hen Welfare Trust’s one millionth hen – and named the latest addition to the royal household, Henrietta.

The hen was rehomed at Highgrove Gardens, along with 30 other rescue chickens. Henrietta journeyed to her new residence in a hand-crafted carrier created by award-winning British fashion designer Lulu Guinness, British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT) revealed.

Founder and CEO of the charity Jane Howorth said: “We’re thrilled that one million hens have been adopted and extremely pleased that Henrietta and her 30 feathered friends are heading to Highgrove Gardens.”

The King’s support for farming and his passion for conservation is well documented, but with the addition of Henrietta and her 30 feathered friends, the King’s Gloucestershire residence just got a little more egg-ceptional.

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  1. Agents of the British Royal Animal Supplies Company, the exclusive and authorized agent from Britain, the Center for Jordan, the Center. Is there a response, because the two sides were officially accredited, after many visits and follow-ups? This opens the way for a decrease in carbon levels globally, with climate change affecting the birds that are crying in pain. Now I want to free them. Come on, Your Highness Prince Harry (it is open on my responsibility without guards. A private room in Jordan – I sent you a number. I am eagerly awaiting a response, please. Thank you – and this It also opened a vital tourism field for us between the two countries to push forward the tourism file

  2. In the end no monarch can legitimize himself referring to his ancestry. Each one starts from scratch😊 And has to prove he is worthy of the people's trust. Charles has failed😊

  3. Thanks king Charles for what ? Please help me understand better I live in the United States of America…novelist poet who's buried in grandmother's garden? Marion Joy Dickerson just a little unknown writer from Waco, Texas USA 🇺🇸

  4. Beautiful MAJESTY KING CHARLES III, magnificent, excellent, whishing you a great day, long live long live long live, wonderful place congratulations 👏👏👍😘👑🇬🇧❤️🙏🦋🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. If the King dissolved parliament, closed the borders, abolished factory farming, child genital mutilation, and all the other ever present no brainers every single person thinks "How is this still a thing?" he would find himself remembered as the greatest King in human history. The slow genocide of his people by displacement migration breaks my heart from across the planet I watch and it saddens me so much, more so when I hear native people there claim somehow their genocide is allowed, or acceptable, or wanted.

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