Trump said in La Crosse tonight that he would either get the government to pay for IVF treatments, or he would mandate insurance companies to cover the cost.

Trump said in La Crosse tonight that he would either get the government to pay for IVF treatments, or he would mandate insurance companies to cover the cost.

Posted by LakesideNorth

  1. Except that IVF will be illegal in states with fetal personhood laws. How will you compel insurance companies to pay for an illegal act? Something tells me you haven’t thought this through

  2. The funny part is this will piss off his base and gain him zero votes. Because everyone with at least an average IQ knows he is absolutely full of shit.

  3. He says a lot of things. He’s just a finger in the wind politician. The second he has to throw that policy under the bus to get tax breaks for billionaires it’s toast and everyone knows that.

  4. The sheer brazenness of Trump’s lying still surprises me. He says whatever he thinks will benefit him in the moment. He stands for nothing except his pathetic need for validation.

  5. Insurance Law 101: Insurance companies are regulated by the individual states. The federal government has NO say over what they pay for.

    Source: Insurance coverage atty for over 30 years.

  6. The anti-abortion folks hate IVF because fertilized eggs get sacrificed in the implantation phase.

  7. According to project 2025 we know trump is lying. His maga Supreme Court is carrying out project 2025 already. Maga will kill the ACA and destroy Medicare and social security. I know people that depend on social security and Medicare will still vote for maga that wants to harm them and that even after Biden/Harris actually got legislation passed that brought jobs to rural America while they had a majority in the house and the tie breaker with Harris in the senate the maga voters will still hate them for providing them help and better infrastructure. This is the sad state of America.

  8. He’ll probably endorse state rape so politicians and religious people can have their way with girls and woman

  9. Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahahahah.

    Oh, man. The modern Republican party willing to fund health services? Particularly reproductive health services? Or pick a fight with corporations to make them do it? Is Trump trying out material for a post election career as a comedian?

    More seriously though if these obvious false promises are anything to go by it’s nice to see it’s finally sunk in for Trump that he really shat the bed by giving women reason after reason after reason to want to keep him away from the White House.

  10. The tagline at the bottom of the meme should’ve been, “Sure, Jan…. uary 6th Insurrection Instigator”

  11. I thought republicans were trying to make ivf illegal? Probably because they’re more into unwanted babies.

  12. I am quite certain it never occurred to one Republican politician that the religious belief of life beginning at conception would really fuck up the IVF industry.

  13. If elected he will absolutely sign the bill the GOP and Heritage put in front of him banning all sex education, IVF, abortion, transgender care and , contraception/birth control.

  14. In 2016 he also promised he would enact Scandinavian inspired universal healthcare. Bitch couldn’t even remove Obamacare, like he promised.

  15. Socialist Vladimir Iljits Trump at it again, giving out government handouts left and right.

  16. He is so committed that he spent his whole first te campaigning on eliminating insurance benefits and then he picked a VP that is part of a movement that aims to ban IVF nationally.

  17. Lol yeah right… if i gave him a dollar for every .10c Mexico has paid towards the wall, i’d still have 2 dollars.

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