Abba bans Trump from using their music

Abba bans Trump from using their music

Posted by P_a_s_g_i_t_24

  1. >At the end of July, the Abba hits “The Winner Takes It All,” “Money, Money, Money,” and “Dancing Queen” were played during the US Republican election campaign. The band and their record company are fighting back. They are by no means the first.
    >The statement from the record company Universal continued: “Together with the members of Abba, we discovered that videos were released in which Abba music was used at Trump events. We have therefore insisted that these be removed immediately and that the use be stopped.” The Trump campaign was not granted any permission or license.
    >^([translated via Google])

  2. They are now one of THIRTY other groups and performers who have told him to cut the shit. Love it

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