Iran’s new president wants better ties with the west. Can he succeed?

Iran’s new president wants better ties with the west. Can he succeed?

Posted by newzee1

  1. Not while they continue bombing Israel and Red Sea shipping and being a major supporter and arms supplier to Russia (a nation trying to destabilize the West by attacking Ukraine).

    This guy is delusional.

  2. So far he’s not escalating. One token strike against Israel to appease the Mullahs. He’ll be “replaced” by the mullahs or be successful in stepping away from them. Maybe cause some internal strife. I haven’t heard him comment on the hijab police. He could arm the women and probably be made king. Wishful thinking I know.

  3. No

    Israel wont let him.

    On his inaugeration, Israel went and launched an attack on Iran’s sovereign soil. Even if it was to kill a known terrorist but that terrorist was the lead negotiator of the Hamas-Israel peace talks.

    Within Iranian domestic politics, this president now looks like a weak schmuck. Exactly because he hasnt retaliated for this bullshit assassination Israel conducted.

    The fact that this hasnt prompted this new Iranian President to react in a chauvinistic rage like Netanyahu or Trump does. Shows that this guy really is the one who can bring peace to the Middle East.

    But Netanyahu wont let him because he is an angry little cunt.

    I am rooting for you weak schmuck. I dont know how you will do it with the angry little cunt breathing down your neck but rise above it all.

  4. He’s an idiot then. The united states and israel wont work with iran no matter what they do. They dont want a west friendly iran they want iranians to die.

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