Republicans suggest in ‘private’ that they would be better off if Trump loses: GOP insider

Republicans suggest in ‘private’ that they would be better off if Trump loses: GOP insider

Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. No shit. It would give them a chance to turn the party into something at least somewhat palatable to decent human beings.

    If they win now they are devoted to doing all of the extreme shit that will end it all.

  2. Its too late for many. I will never trust the gop again in my life (im 22). Thats not implying I ever did, but many are just becoming voting age and they pick now to become the most openly extreme? Abysmal choice. Yeah this point isnt wrong, they would be better off, but they’re looking at Mount Olympus to climb to reach any sort of normalcy again

  3. I love this for them.  They all recognize he’s a stinky bag of trash but no one wants to take responsibility.  They’d rather burn the house down than take the trash out.  Idiots.  

  4. He’s all they had left. None of their policies are popular, *he* personally was popular because he was good at being an entertaining asshole and people liked that that was different. It’s not different anymore, it’s just boring bitching about one of the same 5 issues he’s been bitching about for a decade

  5. The Republican Party has been untrustworthy since before Eisenhower. The Dulles brothers and Nixon began its transformation in the 1940’s to what is now a most vile and revolting platform. They stand exclusively for wealth and power. They pretend to have a love of, and respect for America, but it has always been a fabrication.

  6. Of course the GOP, as well as the entire world, but only if they toss Orange Jesus into the abyss once and for all.

  7. I think the world needs the GOP to have a prolonged period of loses for penance of bad character to serve as an object lesson for future generations.

  8. That’s the thing. If Trump loses they must never, ever be allowed to forget or how hard they pushed him. These people try to rewrite history on the fly and I have little doubt they fully plan to push the narrative that Trump was in no way their baby.

  9. I thought they’d turn the corner when Democrats wiped the floor with them at the last midterms… then they re-nominate the orange criminal to head their cult. Not sure they’ll ever get tired of losing.

  10. I can confirm as I know people at the local GOP that absolutely hate his guts and can’t wait to “get this over with”

    The only issue I have is that these spineless cunts are not willing to openly denounce him. Lindsey Graham was right all along. Fuck ’em, let them bleed.

  11. Yeah it’s pretty bad when your own party starts to finally realize ” hey this guys a fucking moron”

  12. I am actually willing to extend an olive branch to any Republican that is willing to stand up and walk away from Trump. And I don’t mean this goofy “I’m writing John McCain in.” No. Spine up and go Kamala. It takes a serious amount of backbone to go against the group think, especially when the echo chamber is as cavernous as MAGA.

    I would truly respect any Republican that would do so and would seriously consider voting for them in the future. And I mean consider. As dire as things are, I am not willing to promise my vote to anyone without evidence of country over party

  13. You guys are done either way. We aren’t letting repubs obstruct justice and prevent meaningful legislation from passing through congress anymore

  14. Hey let’s take it even further: the whole country, would perhaps even, would be better off if the GOP completely devolved and was replaced with a party that’s actually reasonable and sane.

  15. Well no shit. Everything, literally everything, that lazy, stupid, incompetent orange pile of shit touches turns to shit. The dems have gift wrapped an a lifeboat multiple times in the form impeachments, etc. but the GOP loves their first class tickets on the Titanic.

  16. If they can’t excise Trump themselves, the people will have to perform the operation.

  17. They need a complete purge and rebuild. As an independent I have absolutely no reason to vote GOP if the party continues in this direction. It’s maddening.

  18. Say it out loud! Rebuild your goddamned party!

    I don’t love a two party system but it is better than the normal vs anarchy fascists we have now

    I would love to have at least a couple american-focused strong sensible parties. I would *love* a system where a multi-party system would work but at least get back to two strong normal parties

    That only happens if Trump is absolutely demolished. Speak up, now

    You may be a reasonably moderate Republican, and if Trump wins or barely loses you WILL get primaried by a full on magat and lose anyway

    These idiots could have impeached him in 2020 and it would have been a reset. Pence in the WH, maybe even pence winning the election! Now you’re stick with this rot

  19. I really don’t get the two-party system.





    Seems like they’d be better off (1) nominating someone else or (2) voting for anyone else, regardless. The dichotomy that our system creates is truly bizarre.

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