Ukraine calls on Mongolia to arrest Putin ahead of visit – BBC News

Ukraine has urged Mongolia to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of his visit to the country next week, his first to an International Criminal Court (ICC) member state since the body issued a warrant for his arrest.

by JesusMcTurnip

  1. They won’t arrest him. And that’s the point of the visit. To prod, thus eroding institutions. This prodding is going to be Putin’s strategy for the foreseeable future. Expect a lot of prodding of NATO, just not enough to bring a large forceful response. The effect of all that is erosion.

  2. > 2035 year Mongolia was occupied by another state…

    > 2008-2035 years, most of the World, and Mongolia itself: “Other countries, except dictatorships financed by Russia (and by those who finance Russia), shouldn’t protect themself by creating WMD because there is substitute – International Law!”

    > 2008-2035 years, most of the World, and Mongolia itself: “International Law rather recommendation than obligation!”

    Geopolitical schizophrenia.

  3. Gets arrested – Mongolian police says to ear “Ghengis Khan” sends his regards. The one true ruler of Eurasia.

  4. If they don’t arrest him, are they then complicit and put themselves in a position to be arrested?

  5. Ghengis Khan turning over in his hidden grave at this…atrocious behavior. It’s what Khan would want – arrest that vile POS!

  6. That would be epic! Not going to happen as Kahn isn’t the leader but Putin would be long gone if he were…

  7. Why sign a treaty if you’re not prepared to honour it then? The *least* Mongolia could do is tell Putin he’s not welcome there due to the ongoing matter of his, oh I don’t know, being a WAR CRIMINAL?!

  8. Mongolia is not in a position to do that. Don’t even know why they signed the agreement.

    And Russia probably is sending a double. The real poopin, if alive, is shaking in his bunker while occasionally shitting in his suitcase.

  9. They should welcome him as a dilatory tributary to the Mongol Khanate, demand Muscovy’s submission, and then, when refused, arrest him and mercifully turn him over to the ICC.

  10. It’ll be one of his doubles traveling anyways. He’s just testing the waters.

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