‘It Was a Setup’, ‘Could Have Been The Parents’: Trump Tries To Blame Golden Star Families For Arlington Cemetery Scandal

‘It Was a Setup’, ‘Could Have Been The Parents’: Trump Tries To Blame Golden Star Families For Arlington Cemetery Scandal

‘It Was a Setup’, ‘Could Have Been The Parents’: Trump Tries To Blame Golden Star Families For Arlington Cemetery Scandal

Posted by inewser

  1. Party of personal responsibility. Like at least Saruman the White tried to stand up for the orcs he represented. Sourman the Orange represents no one, but himself.

  2. This guy is a real tool. Talk about a lying bone spur POS! No respect and yet some Veterans still support him. SMH.

  3. This could have been an Onion headline lol. I wonder how the family that was in the picture feels about Trump throwing them under the bus…

    8/29 – *Trump said that he did not initiate the photo. “While I was there,* ***I didn’t ask for a picture****,” he said, “While I was there, they said, ‘Sir, could we have a picture at the grave?’”*

    8/30 – *Trump responded,“I really don’t know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and* ***I said, if you’d like to have a picture, we can have a picture*** *if somebody did. “I don’t know what the rules and regulations are. I don’t know who did it. And it could have been them. It could have been the parents,” Trump said. “It could have been somebody else.”*

    Trump doesn’t know the rules, because he doesn’t visit to pay his respects until he needs a PR stunt. Actually, Trump frequently claims ignorance of rules and procedure, despite being the person who is supposed to be accountable for our entire nation. But sure, he’s the leader we need /s

  4. Let me guess – *It was Antifa !!! They were still on the busses coming back from Jan 6 !!!*

    Let’s take our anger out on that Gold Star family – Trump said it was their fault.

    [Donald Trump ft Vladimir Putin – It wasn’t me #trending #music #comedy (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94ALmuvtBNY)

  5. Holy shit, he’s fully going downhill psychologically. God did save trump, by showing us he can bleed….

  6. If this guy gets elected it’ll be a nightmare for the country and it’s collective psyche. Irreparable damage will be done

  7. The guy has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Just a giant loudmouthed shitstain.

  8. Oh my God, how embarrassing can you be? I don’t know how you set the bar any lower to be a disgusting human being.!!

  9. so the former commander in chief of the military throwing families of our honored veterans under the bus because his fucking scam showboating blew up in his face, and people will STILL choose this fucking degenerate over Kamala.

  10. Trump is really starting to look like he’s coming undone.

    At this rate he’s gonna look like the guy sleeping on the park bench in Back to the Future before November.

  11. Even if the family asked for the picture, putting it all up on his campaign social media had nothing to do with them. THAT is the truly disgusting part of this whole escapade, turning the cemetery visit into a political event. As usual, he spins the criticism into something he can blame on someone else. He is a very very small person.

  12. Forget that it’s *his* videographers and photographers who took the footage/pics that were posted on *his* TicTok…let’s just forget all that for a second. He was SET UP, people!! By gold star families (and this isn’t the 1st time he has disrespected gold star families) OR by the administration to make him look bad.

    This vile, disgusting, putrid man has no low. He never ever takes responsibility, he never apologizes. He just lies and lies and lies.

    I cannot wait for him to lose. I can’t wait for MAGA to take itself out to the trash.

  13. >“I don’t know what the rules and regulations are. I don’t know who did it. And it could have been them…”

    The former Commander in Chief, everyone.

    And some word salad as a bonus (this was in response to being asked if they should have released the photos and videos):

    >”Well, we have a lot of people, you know, we have people, TikTok people, you know, we’re leading the internet. That was the other thing. We’re so far above her on the internet.”

  14. *”It’s the parent’s fault. They knew I wouldn’t be able to resist filming a political commercial using their dead son!”*

  15. > “I don’t know what the rules and regulations are.”

    This is Trump’s excuse? Really? I just think it’s reasonable for a former president and current presidential candidate to have a basic understanding of federal campaign regulations and laws. And also reasonable for a former president and commander in chief to have an understanding of Arlington Cemetery’s rules and requirements.

    And, like, his voters accept this. They accept that he is either lying or really doesn’t know this stuff he should know, and they don’t see either case as a red flag. Buncha losers.

  16. Trump appears to be passing the buck, blaming others for the scandal. It is not only a scandal but a crime.

    Trump appears to be accumulating further lawsuits.

  17. Of course. Someone else’s fault. Surprised that it took the village idiot that long to declare this

  18. This keeps getting worse. Now he wants to blame goldstar families for his fuck up???? Come on man.. 🤯

  19. “you know, we have people, TikTok people, you know, we’re leading the internet. That was the other thing. We’re so far above her on the internet.”

    Weird way of speaking.

  20. Asshole has literally zero respect for military or law enforcement. It amazes me that any of them support him. Standing over the grave of a dead soldier with his thumb up and stupid grin is grotesque behavior.

  21. This is a huge blunder. His only way through this was acting as if everything was great in fantasy land and basically ignoring the outrage until the next news cycle. Just pretending like everything was above board like he usually does. If he has to start acting as if it’s a setup, he’s admitting something was wrong. 

    It won’t be the thing that kills his campaign but it’s another mistake that makes him look a bit shaky at the knees. Like he’s not himself. Like he’s not their “winner” anymore. He’s definitely getting ditched by 2028 at this point.

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