Trump Really Wants Us To Know He’s ‘Not Weird’—And He’s Getting Very Weird About It

Trump Really Wants Us To Know He’s ‘Not Weird’—And He’s Getting Very Weird About It

Posted by Blue_Wave2024

  1. That Town Hall with Tulsi last night was something and by something I mean completely and insanely unhinged. He truly behaved like a dementia patient angrily sundowning. Meanwhile, on CNN, a panel discussion was dissecting teasers ahead of Kamala Harris’ interview. Journalism in this country is a just a joke now

  2. Weird is too kind to characterize Trump. He’s disgusting and faint minded. Now JD Vance is a weird mother fucker!

  3. Anyone who slathers unnatural looking makeup all over their face and constantly lies about EVERYTHING is weird.

  4. Fucking weirdo. Wish he would just finish off his days at an old persons home yelling at clouds. Or in prison. Second thought. Prison suits him better.

  5. Nobody on the right cares when a dude in a dress calls them weird. Just so y’all know, this isn’t the heartbreaking insult you think it is.

    I’m weird, always been, and i welcome those insults and downvotes. Get me in the negative, bitches.

  6. With all that’s going on in the world right now I just have to say from my perspective, real men treat women and girls like they are somebody’s daughter

  7. I honestly don’t even find Trump weird. I think he’s a sad pathetic moron. JD Vance is pretty weird, however

  8. LMFAO! Says he’s not weird and JD is not weird 14 times, rapidly. Yeah, that isn’t weird or anything. They are SO weird!

  9. If he actually wanted to even *start* trying, I’d think maybe quit being a color that literally no human is naturally? People with way less money than him routinely do far better fake tans.

  10. He’s completely weird and weird is actually the least objectionable thing about him.

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