Russian soldiers gifted z-singer Yulia Chicherina a stolen Chanel bag

by kingkongsingsong1

  1. and Julia will be very surprised and angry when she travel to west europa and somebody kicks her ass to the moon…

  2. This video is an accurate depiction of how an average russian look like. Pig faced, low iq alcoholics.

  3. Somebody Geo-Locate the cordinates off this Video so Ukraine can bomb the shit out of them


  4. Ha!!! It’s fake. There’s no way the case sounds like that when tapped with the hand. Shame!

  5. How come these guys never parade around proudly with Russian or Chinese designer products, how come they always go to the West to shop, on holidays and so on?

  6. Probably worth more to her knowing the suffering behind the acquisition. 

     What russian wants a boring store bought bag when they can have one ripped from a looted store or taken from a house with dead Ukrainians in it?

  7. Most of these scumbags would never have anything so nice, unless they steal it… They are so proud to steal something.

  8. Pay attention to her facial expressions, she’s definitely a methhead bitch. Donetsk and Lugansk are epicenters of meth use. You cannot find meth in Russia, but these “scum republics” has tons of it somehow. I bet all these crazy suicidal attacks are somehow connected with meth abuse.

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