Never forget.🕯

Never forget.🕯

Posted by bellarivolta

  1. Can you imagine the poor guy at the landscaping company taking that call?

    “Uh, ye-eah, I guess you can have a press conference here. Yeah, yeah, Four Seasons. Okay, bye!”

  2. They could not go to the real Four Seasons for legal reasons, so thus the old switch-a-roo of venue. Hoping no one would notice. Yes, it’s even more stupid than you thought.

  3. This was honestly the funniest thing I have ever witnessed by people who are supposed to be super important and want to be in charge of the country. I know it got VEEP comparisons at the time, but this is soooooo far out there that I don’t think any series or even SNL skit could ever top what ACTUALLY happened.

  4. And to make this even more funny, if I remember correctly Fox News called the Arizona results while Rudy was speaking, which put Biden over the top. And Rudy got questions about that and had no idea how to respond.

    That was the singular biggest fuck up in American political history…lol

  5. So in this one instance, Trump actually told the truth. He did in fact run the country like one of his businesses and it ended up a complete dumpster fire, just like his other businesses…

  6. Everyone keeps giving the dildo store a bad name, why not the crematorium!? At least you don’t have to worry about people walking out of it!

  7. Oh don’t blame a staffer. They were there because Trump proclaimed they’d have a ‘yuge’ announcement later that day at the Four Seasons, without actually arranging with the Four Seasons and they were already booked and said no.

    His staffers managed to find something called Four Seasons (landscaping) for their verbal diarrhea so Trump wasn’t wrong. This was another black sharpie moment due to Trump’s ego.

  8. Honestly, this has to be my favorite Trump-verse moment. It’s so go damn funny. Its to funny to think of the employee at the landscaping company who agreed to this. “Uhhhh…. yeah sure we’ll host your press conference.” and them him hanging up being like “HEY MIKE! You’re never gonna believe who I just got to come here. It’s gonna blow your mind.” Like this has me in tears damn near every time I think of it.

  9. That’s not even the low point of that administration, either.  Probably in the top ten. 

  10. Well, Trump managed did such a great job running a casino that it went bankrupt. Seems like about the same caliber of work.

  11. But he did run the country like a business. He made the average Joe more broke, angry and depressed while his rich buddies got richer, more fame and more narcissism. And everyone blames everyone else expect the guys who actually did all of this

  12. Just had a customer on the phone bemoaning how “they” won’t allow him to be president again because he was going to drain the swamp and he was “too honest”. In what world??

  13. I knew about Four Seasons Total Landscaping. I just didn’t know it was next to a dildo shop.

  14. To be fair, when your

    1. boss pops off an announcement that he’s holding a press conference at the Four Seasons

    2. without having first asked the venue,

    3. who then said no,

    and then you were

    4. tasked with finding anything called “four seasons” to do it at because

    5. he can’t ever be seen as being wrong or making a mistake, ever

    6. Book a place that somehow meets the criteria and will allow your presence, I’d say you’d earned your pay…if he ever actually paid you.

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