Trump biopic that shows him assaulting first wife will be released in US before election

Trump biopic that shows him assaulting first wife will be released in US before election

Trump biopic that shows him assaulting first wife will be released in US before election

Posted by Bright_life_news

  1. The biggest backer of this movie is a MAGA. And all those dollars couldn’t tank the project 🤌

  2. Look at Trump’s dumb face in that pic. You can tell there is absolutely nothing going on behind those eyes. Just brain-stem.

  3. This could be a trilogy:

    Part 1: Assaulting Ivana
    Part 2: Manhandling Marla
    Part 3: Screwing Stormy

  4. I’d watch it just for the Sebastian Stan/Jeremy Strong mashup.

    I hope the film mentions that Roy Cohn prosecuted the Rosenbergs. You know, the people who sold state secrets to our enemies and were executed for it.

  5. If it does show him doing that, he’s not gonna loose any votes. Remember he can shoot someone on 5th avenue & not lose any. What in the fuck makes anyone think him assaulting his wife gonna do? He been grabbing pussy, he been hanging with a pedophile, he’s been scamming, he’s been lying, he’s been caught doing all these things & still not lost a vote. That’s probably the one true things he’s said about shooting someone. Just vote so we can go through the whinny part of him screaming the election was rigged & get on with our lives. He’s that annoying bitter chick you broke up with that still shows up to your family functions

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