Trump calls for universal coverage of IVF treatment with no specifics on how his plan would work. He never has specifics because he’s lying.

Trump calls for universal coverage of IVF treatment with no specifics on how his plan would work. He never has specifics because he’s lying.

Posted by No_Sheepherder_1248

  1. under his plan, even women who don’t want to become pregnant will be forced to have the procedure, and their insurance will be forced to pay for it with the profits they make from flipping NFT trump cards

  2. Plus he’s a shallow thinking idiot who couldn’t count his balls and get the same number twice.

  3. Yup. He’s doing the same for gullible crypto men that still don’t see his games. He says whatever he’s told to say (just few keys words) to lie to people into supporting him. He dodges ever explaining how and saying more than because his statements are always just sale sounds bites, noise to fool as many as possible, and to get support.

  4. What about the plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days that said he would only give us if he was elected president in 2016?

  5. I will ~~build the wall~~ get you IVF and ~~Mexico~~ the insurance companies will pay for it.

    Who knew it would be so complicated ?

  6. No no no you see Trump is pro reproductive rights and ivf now so he’s good!!! —-CNN

  7. The minute he finds out what anything costs, he bails out. Ran his businesses in the ground the same way.

  8. We are 8 years into waiting 2 weeks for his health plan to replace Obamacare. This guy is an old style used car salesman, don’t believe anything he says even under oath.

  9. I’m sure a detailed plan is only 2 weeks away — just like his “better than Obamacare” plan, his Infrastructure Week and countless other promised programs.

  10. lol will the same people who say Biden was buying votes with student loan forgiveness also say Trump is trying to buy votes from women here?

  11. Republicans…..we have our own great health care plan for America. Just repeal the ACA first and then we will tell you about it.

    I hope you all remember that!

  12. This butt-baby is on the ropes. He will flip-flop like a fish on s pier to get votes.

  13. And his sycophants lap this up like shit sandwiches and beg for more— naw, it’s not a cult…

  14. Evidently he believes that because his cult accepts his BS as truth that everyone else is equally gullible and stupid.

  15. Again, he is the kid running for class president that, during his pitch on why you should vote for him, as soon as he notices the audience is zoning out he’ll promise something even better (no homework 4eva! All day recess! Free lunches 4 everyone! Uh, uh, COOKIES AND CAKE FOR BREAKFAST EVERY FRIDAY!) until he’s practically promised no school at all, gets elected and nothing changes

  16. Oh cool, it’ll be **Intrauterine Infrastructure Week** for (checks notes) *several years* this time!

  17. Tired of hearing about this lying conman. It is a great litmus test for people I can probably never have a long term relationship with though.

  18. It’s not that he’s lying because that suggests there’s a truth he’s avoiding. He doesn’t know or care — he’s just trying to tell people what he thinks they want to hear so they’ll vote for him

    Trump is the world’s simplest, most transparent man. A moron of the highest order.

  19. So, is this the magical health care plan we’ve been waiting “two weeks” for?

  20. The average IVF treatment costs around $40,000, so I’m sure he’s going to explain any day how he’s going to pay for it.

  21. Trump calling for something is like when he “pledges” to donate money. He’ll never actually follow through.

  22. I think he’s going to get tired of this game in a couple of weeks because it’s not going his way and he will say “Screw the Republicans. I’m going to drop out.” He has no loyalty to anyone.

  23. Just like better cheaper healthcare for all day one, clean coal, infrastructure week, we can see his taxes, etc.

  24. Always lying &/or chronically demented. Imagine the combo of both! Enough. VOTE!

  25. He is running for Senior Class President and using free soda as an incentive to vote for him

  26. How else are the USA going to provide cannon fodder for their endless wars if poor women aren’t forced to birth

  27. He’s going to incorporate it into his health care plan, which will be rolling out in about two weeks….

  28. I file this with the release of his taxes, and the upcoming replacement for Obamacare that never materialized. It’s what he’s tried to do with his lawsuits: put it off long enough b and hope people will forget about it.

  29. he never goes into specifics, not because he is lying (even though he is) but because he is stupid

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