Conservative Tomi Lahren ridiculed for trying to educate Mark Cuban on ‘what a tariff is’

Conservative Tomi Lahren ridiculed for trying to educate Mark Cuban on ‘what a tariff is’

Posted by likeaforest

  1. They are sociopaths. They can’t understand human emotion. They are not fit to lead.

    Cruelty is fun and laughter for these homicidal maniacs. They are the weirdest of the weird.

  2. Hilarious. I remember she was the “it girl” before her career was torpedoed because she was pro choice.

  3. Tomi Lahren is an airhead.

    > Cuban asked how Trump intends to tax another nation.

    > Lahren replied, “Do you not know what a tariff is?”

    > It’s similar to another question from a MAGA follower, in which Cuban explained how a tariff doesn’t tax foreign businesses but passes the cost on to consumers. Some have even predicted such a move would destroy the economy.

    > “A tariff is a tax imposed on foreign-made goods, paid by the IMPORTING BUSINESS (Walmart would be an example) to its home country’s government,” wrote Cuban. “(USA) As an example, Walmart imports billions and billions of goods. If there is a 10 percent tariff, Walmart pays the US government 10 percent on those billions, and guess who they pass that cost on to?”

    Stupidity is a necessary precondition of being a Republican. More so, if one belongs to right wing media.

  4. Little more infuriating than when a moron talks down to you.

    Also Trump has no fucking clue what a tariff is

  5. The evolution of the conservative bimbo is something to behold. Every woman doesn’t get where she is because of her looks, but some of them definitely do, and Lahren is a perfect example of this. Lahren isn’t particularly intelligent, and she’s not even a particularly profound conservative thinker. Her main and only draw, just like so many blonde conservative bimbos before her, is that she is a young blonde white female who says the things that old MAGAt white men want to hear. Well, it was: much like Megyn Kelly, she ain’t getting any younger, and with every wrinkle, it becomes more and more obvious how vapid she is. Unlike Ann Coulter, she’s not clever or bold enough to get some continuing grift going based on despicable conservative qualities (such as racism), so it just looks more and more pathetic when the conservative bimbo tries to do stuff like, school the expert investor business owner billionaire on how the economy works.

  6. Conservative policy makers know this. They have just been able to brainwash conservative voters to such a degree that it’s truly, and I don’t mean this hyperbolically, terrifying.

  7. Mocking Tomi should be like remembering to take your vitamins in the morning. Never skip it.

  8. The British instituted The Townshend Act which included tariffs on molasses, sugar, and tea. That’s where the whole “taxation without representation” thing came from. FFS. Trump imposing tariffs on “other countries goods” is fer-cockin taxing Americans more. We dumped a shit load of tea into Boston Harbor over this shit. These people are hair brained morons.

  9. The Republicans pushing Tariffs…the world has turned. I really want to see a “Big Brother” version for Presidential Candidates. Comps awarded based on having a fundamental understanding of basic concepts. What are Tariffs likely to lead to: A) Inflation B) Lower Prices C) Better after school lunches.

  10. Republicans live in alternate reality where the US President can unilaterally impose taxes on foreign countries and compel them to fully fund American vanity projects like a nonfunctional border wall.

    Foreign policy is not high school. You can’t just hit up the nerdy country for their lunch money.

  11. I haven’t heard her mentioned in years. Didn’t realize she was still relevant in the slightest bit.

  12. i feel like we need a new round of schoolhouse rock to explain these overwhelming easy to understand concepts.

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