I have too much empathy to vote Republican

I have too much empathy to vote Republican

Posted by BigClitMcphee

  1. Using MY tax money to feed the hungry? What an abomination!

    Next thing you know, they’ll be using tax money to heal the sick or house the homeless!


  2. Harris wants a ceasefire. Her and Biden are working towards it right now.

    Trump wants Netanyahu to go farther, to kill *every* palestinian and to “finish the job”.

  3. As long as it doesn’t end up in Joel Osteen’s pocket or teaching some kid that the Earth is 6,000 years old, I’ll have to grin and tough it out.

  4. These dumb fuckers act like this is some kinda burn.

    “Yuir taxes r gonna feed hungry kids!!”

    ”Thats OK with me. Hungry kids and their families should get fed. “

  5. Under the current system with federal budgeting, blue states routinely subsidize deep red ones but they aren’t ready to talk about all that.

    Something something socialism something.

  6. Harris is kind of hawkish on the Israeli-Palestine conflict and the US military being the #1 police for the world. I couldn’t help but notice the chants of USA USA USA throughout the last day of the DNC, I kind of wndered what timeline I slipped into…

  7. Let’s be honest, though: some money will be spent feeding people, but most of it will go to bombing people. Nobody in our government is going to date to deviant from the Military Industrial Complex.

  8. My taxes build roads that total strangers – some of them unemployed – get to just use whenever.

    My taxes build schools that any old kid can attend and learn the exact same information that’s available to my kids.

    My taxes fund legal defense for even the worst of criminals, like frauds and rapists with a shit-ton of felonies. Some of these degenerates get fair trials on my dime.

    My taxes get spent on making sure food I don’t even eat is safe. That cars I don’t drive have adequate passenger restraint. Keeps toxic chemicals out of rivers I don’t visit.

    My taxes pay the salaries of politicians I didn’t vote for, military personnel who fight wars I didn’t approve, tax collectors, ambassadors to made-up countries like Liechtenstein, and parking enforcement officers.

    And I’m content to pay every penny of it. I get to use those roads. The kids in my neighborhood aren’t as stupid as they would be without education. Canada has not occupied our country for quite a few years. I can use the internet to research whether Liechtenstein is a real place. I feel comfortable discussing with my fellow citizens the pros and cons of our system without fear of reprisal.

    And yeah, if my money helps feed some hungry kids, anywhere, great.

  9. Just tell Republicans that when they say “Feed kids” they mean *to something*. That’ll get their votes!

  10. Children are still going to be killed with American bombs paid for with American tax dollars, regardless of who wins the election.


  11. democrats need to learn that you can defend democratic policies using republican terms. most welfare is a small business investment that actually stunningly benefits the businesses because now they have more customers…then they can hire more people….then those people don’t need welfare because they have jobs….then the business expands or those people can start their own business….then the neighborhood economy grows. It is a better business investment than tax cuts

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