‘Street Thug’ Putin and His Allies Considering Invasion of 3 More Countries

‘Street Thug’ Putin and His Allies Considering Invasion of 3 More Countries


Posted by leaningtoweravenger

  1. SS (from the text):

    Bogged down in the Donbas, humiliated by Ukraine’s cross-border incursion into the Kursk region, the Russian strongman faces the clearest threat to his authority since last year’s abortive Wagner revolt.

    And with his back against the wall, Putin is at his most dangerous, according to critics who describe his “street thug” mentality. The fear is that the Moscow bully could double down on his Ukraine gamble by making war on another front, taking on NATO in the Baltic states.

    Signs that Putin no longer has any limits have been have been building for some time. A direct cruise missile attack on Kyiv’s main children’s hospital last month, on the eve of a NATO summit in Washington, D.C., was seen as a message from the Kremlin that this is not just about Ukraine, that Russia is ready for bigger battles, even for World War III.

  2. Oh yes; the country that can’t even protect their own borders.

    I think there’s a difference between propaganda and actual capabilities.

    While NATO should take seriously its own defence, as it has a provenly hostile State on its borders, it’s a different thing to think the already spread thin Russian army could battle in even more fronts.

    For me this is just propaganda.

  3. >The focus soon turned from Ukraine to **the three Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania**—and a discussion of which should be attacked first and how many troops it would take to do the job. The three former Soviet republics have been NATO members since 2004, but Putin and his allies don’t believe any Western powers would be willing to shed blood in their defense. They see this as NATO’s weakest link—if World War III is coming, this is where it could start. “It is unlikely Estonia’s allies would join them in two days,” suggested the popular NeoficialiyBeZsonov channel about a potential attack from the Russian Baltic port city of Kaliningrad. The Moscow Times reported that Russian elites were “preparing for WWIII, discussing how it would end.”

  4. >*The focus soon turned from Ukraine to the three Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—and a discussion of which should be attacked first and how many troops it would take to do the job. The three former Soviet republics have been NATO members since 2004, but Putin and his allies don’t believe any Western powers would be willing to shed blood in their defense*.

    He presents it as if he could easily take away the sweets from kids because he does not consider the mother to be assertive. Although this is already a sickening attitude, he forgets that these are three adults who are not being mothered but have voluntarily joined a club of friends with all its benefits.

  5. So they’re in the Insane stage now.

    Time to put the rabid animal out of its misery.

    Question is, which republic is going to be the first to take their territory from Russia – I doubt it will be Chechnya. Hopefully only the city state of Moscovia will be left once the rest follow, and China, Japan and Mongolia grab their pieces of the corpse.

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