Final moments of seven who died in Bayesian tragedy revealed by fire service boss

Final moments of seven who died in Bayesian tragedy revealed by fire service boss

The final moments of the seven people who died in the Bayesian tragedy have been revealed by a fire brigade chief.

British tech mogul Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah were among the seven people who died after the Bayesian superyacht sank near Porticello at about 5am local time on Monday (19 August).

A manslaughter investigation has now been launched.

Speaking at a press conference on Saturday (24 August), the fire brigade chief of Palermo, Bentivoglio Fiandra explained more about what is believed to have happened on board.

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  1. They were in air pockets. Took the divers 4 days to find them. Probably ran out of oxygen in that time. So sad…and VERY SUSPICIOUS!!!

  2. The passengers were below deck in their cabins asleep when she quickly capsized and hadn't had time to understand what was happening in an air bubble with the only escape route going to the top deck underwater. The reason five of the dead were found together in a single cabin was because in the limited time they had left to live with no escape possible, it’s human nature to want to be with your loved ones and friends huddled together; countless ancient grave sites have found people huddled together in their final moments knowing the end was near. The military trains on helicopter crashes at sea in the dark, in a small space and upside down, yet trained young soldiers drown. These people were mostly old and had been asleep and not prepared.

  3. The Party Superyacht had large furniture inside of the passenger cabins. Hannah Lynch found away from the other five passengers trapped underwater could be due her trapped by the large furniture inside of her cabin and died alone unable to leave her cabin to join the others.

  4. We ,people of the sea , whether it sea faring, yachting, cruising, feel a reverence to the sea and to those who have been lost at sea, due to storms, or bad weather, or high seas , we pay tribute to those who loved being on their boats at sea!
    It is where they wanted to be ! At sea!
    God bless them !
    The sea is a Holy resting place for eternity.🙏

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