‘Disgraceful’: Felon Trump slammed for possibly illegal photo op ‘over grave of a marine’

‘Disgraceful’: Felon Trump slammed for possibly illegal photo op ‘over grave of a marine’


Posted by ewzetf

  1. It’s not ‘possibly’ illegal, it is illegal.

    Federal law [https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/32/553.32](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/32/553.32) prohibits partisan political activities at Arlington.

    The media just don’t like to stipulate due to their aversion to lawsuits.

    Law enforcement and prosecutors, however, should not do the same.

    The People should be demanding that their aristocracy be held to the standards of the law, and not just for over-taxing the tea.

  2. For Republicans who don’t understand why Trump is in trouble over this, just pretend Trump knelt during the national anthem.

    … oh, and that he’s a black guy

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