Trust me bro , this time he’s telling the truth

Trust me bro , this time he’s telling the truth

Posted by the-florist

  1. This is one of those memes I always wonder about where they are now. Hopefully she’s far, far away from him.

  2. If, god forbid, he gets elected, he’ll be saying something like “*O*u*r* w*o*m*e*n a*r*e *t*o*o* b*e*a*u*t*i*f*u*l *t*o *r*e*c*e*i*v*e* I*V*F – *e*v*e*r*y*t*h*i*n*g *y*o*u* t*h*o*u*g*h*t *I* s*a*i*d* w*a*s *j*u*s*t *m*e*d*i*a* p*r*o*p*a*g*a*n*d*a*. T*h*a*n*k *g*o*o*d*n*e*s*s *I*’m *p*r*e*s*i*d*e*n*t* n*o*w *t*o *p*u*t* a*n* e*n*d *t*o *t*h*i*s.” He will **not** do good on that deal.

  3. A woman would have to be a self-loathing woman to vote for Trump.

    WHY do you hate yourself so much? WHY?

  4. “Trust me, bro.” Needs to pop up when ever a MAGA moron says something moronic.

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