‘A nightmare’ for Trump team as he and J.D. Vance spread conflicting messages: CNN

‘A nightmare’ for Trump team as he and J.D. Vance spread conflicting messages: CNN


Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. Fox and the Trump desperately try to frame Kamala Harris as someone who changes her policy positions.

    Meanwhile Trump flip flops on abortion so fast I’m fucking dizzy. I honestly don’t know what he will think tomorrow. 16 times he has changed his position on abortion.

    Trump – the king of Flip Flop.

  2. In fairness, there’s a good chance this presidential candidate and his running mate have never actually spoken to each other

  3. They have no policy. No ethics. No values. No redeeming qualities. They offer nothing except misery.

  4. Of course, because Vance is meant to be Trump’s replacement. Trump’s handlers know he is unwell and to the point he is more of a liability. The trick is to get him into office, then have Vance pull a Bush Sr like he did with Reagan his last two years in office. Then Vance will just go with Project 2025 an people like Thiel and Musk will celebrate their riches, but downfall of society.

  5. Trump spreads conflicting messages all by himself. That has never been a problem for his MAGA base. They dont care.

  6. I don’t think Trump even knows what the Florida bill is about. He’s just free-balling it.

  7. The funny thing is I don’t even see these 2 as a team. It’s like they are complete strangers. Where Harris and Walz seem like they’ve been buddies for years.

  8. Just like I predicted and just like the aftermath of the shooting in Butler. The man can’t get a bump from events or endorsements because he can’t shut up long enough to let anything or anyone else add context and definition to his campaign.

  9. I’m sure all you folks here on this forum are kind and decent people but for the sake of this country please vote for Trump/Vance 2024! Please research Kamala Harris’s political views and don’t let the media control your emotions!

  10. To be fair… a Consistent message would necessitate JD and Trump having to TALK to each other. And would you want to talk to either one? 

  11. This is a preview for a Trump administration. Gone are the people who know better and keep him within some loosely defined guard rails. He’s now untethered while surrounded by hand picked MAGA yes men and he does whatever his genius brain “knows” what’s best. Chaos.

  12. I saw a clip from the Midas Touch YouTube video where Vance was asked by a newscaster about some comment that Trump had made about abortion and of course Vance answered some gobbly-gook bullshit.

    So the newscaster said, what? Was it a grammar problem? And Vance froze and then he said what? And so the newscaster repeated his question what was it, a grammar problem?

    And then Vance froze again and then after I don’t know how long he goes there’s something wrong with my earpiece it’s all staticky.

    At the newscaster all but rolled his eyes and said oh I guess he can’t hear my deep baritone voice.

    I guess Vance hadn’t been prepped on what BS answer he should give to that question on any given day.

    The Trump campaign is like a traveling clown show. Every single day they show their hypocrisy, lies, and bullshit and all they’ve done so far is to just denigrate women. I can smell their funky flop sweat through my phone screen and it stinks.

    I hope that Arlington employee that they’re disparaging talking about she had a mental health day when he was breaking yet another federal law finally gets the courage to come forward. At the very least the damn military needs to bring charges against him for breaking the law yet again.

  13. One is spreading hate, the other doesn’t know what day it is at any given time. Perfect ticket.

  14. I feel like a lot of America’s problems could be solved by Wu-Tang, because they’re forever

  15. Trump and Vance can’t stand each other. The GOP stuck J.D on Donald to keep him in check, so that they have a backup to maintain their interests – it was the same when they put Pence on him. But deep down, everyone knows Trump will also call for Vance’s hanging, if he gets in his way.

    They are playing with fire, making a tyrannical demagogue their candidate.

  16. Lucky for them, any voters they have left don’t actually care about policies.

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