Donald Trump is a convicted felon.

Donald Trump is a convicted felon.

Posted by Rude-Box3610

  1. You know democrata can be hypocrites , but I swear to God the entire foundation of the GOP and your run if the mill republican is built upon a tower of hypocrisy.

  2. What Republicans mean about law and order is that they want to have minorities, particularly black minorities, brutally suppressed. If white people think they’re being oppressed then you see how they really treat law and order. From the January 6 attempted coup, to all the death threats from MAGA people to election workers, school librarians and anyone else they disagree with, you see that they think that they are the “law” and you better follow their “orders.”

  3. Because Fox never reported in the serious nature of the charges, maintained the judge was corrupt, and denied the multiple witness corroboration. Fox viewers have concluded the charges were bogus and politically motivated.

  4. They don’t care about that because they think he was convicted in a fake trial. Life is easy when everything you don’t like is fake

  5. Technically he is not convicted until he is sentenced but when it walks like a felon and talk like a felon…

  6. They think it doesn’t count, figuring it doesn’t matter how much wrong he’s done because (in their mind) the left is worst of all. They see it as: the left says Donald is awful, then that means he’s good.

  7. When a conservative says “law and order” they don’t mean it the way a person does. They mean “oppressing outgroups” and “the police brutalizing minorities”.

    See also: Poland’s “Law and Justice party”.

  8. Nah, they’ll just say it doesn’t count because the charges were politically motivated.

  9. They’re also the party of personal responsibility but watch them reject masks and even vaccines.  

  10. Them: “Back the blue!”

    Trump: *exists*

    Them: “Im voting for the felon! Also, back the blue!”

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